Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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294 SubhagaSubhagaMinor goddess. Buddhist (Mahayana). An attendantof BUDDHAKAPALA.Subhamekhala (with a marvellous girdle)Minor goddess. Buddhist (Mahayana). An attendantof BUDDHAKAPALA.SubrahmanyaMinor warrior deity. Hindu (Epic and Puranic).A form of KARTTIKEYA which is depicted withsix heads and twelve arms. Also SHADANANA-SUBRAHMANYA; see also SKANDA.SUCELLOS (the good striker)ORIGIN Romano-Celtic (Gallic).KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP prehistoric timesuntil Christianization, circa AD 400.SYNONYMS Sucellus.CENTER(S) OF CULT various.ART REFERENCES bronze and stone sculpture andreliefs.LITERARY SOURCES votive inscriptions.Sucellos carries a long-handled hammer and acup or dish which is arguably the equal of theIrish Celtic Dagda’s caldron. He is knownprincipally from the valleys of the Rhone andSaône and is often coupled in art and votiveinscriptions with the river goddess NANTO-SUELTA. In at least two instances, Unterseebach[Lower Rhine] and Varhely [Romania], Sucellos isaccompanied by a raven and a three-headed dogsuggesting the Roman guardian of the underworld,Cerberus, and a link with funerarypractices. Sucellos also has associations withthe woodland god SILVANUS, suggesting afertility connotation and, in France, is associatedboth with springs and with dogs and snakes,which suggest healing and rejuvenating powers(dogs were more generally linked with the Romanhealing god AESCULAPIUS than with death).Suddhodana (having pure rice)Primordial god. Buddhist. The father of the BUD-DHA. The deified king of the Sakya tribe fromwhich the Buddha descended; his consort isMAYADEVI.SudremWeather god. Kafir [Afghanistan]. Little is knownof this deity. He was created from the breath of thesupreme god IMRA. Alternatively he sprang from ajuniper branch. His wife is the goddess Nangi-Wutr and he is the father of the major fertility goddessDISANI. He is depicted as a great golden buckwith horns reaching to the sky. As a deity specificallyconcerned with rain, he lives in a sacred lake,Sudrem Sur, at which all wild animals must drinkonce to survive. Also Sujum; Sudaram; Sataram.Sudurjaya (very difficult to conquer)Minor goddess. Buddhist (Vajrayana). One of severaldeified BHUMIS recognized as different spiritualspheres through which a disciple passes.Color: yellow. Attributes: emerald and staff.Sugriva (beautiful strong neck)Monkey god. Hindu. The son of the sun god andleader of the monkey army which, according toepic tradition, supported RAMA.SuijinCollective name for water gods. Shinto [Japan].These deities are worshiped at shrines at the

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