Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Subhadra 293Sri(devi) (prosperity)1. <strong>God</strong>dess. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). An earlyname which was syncretized with that of LAKSMIto form Sri-Laksmi.2. <strong>God</strong>dess. Buddhist-Lamaist [Tibet]. One of agroup of DHARMAPALA with terrible appearance androyal attire who protect the Dalai Lama. A manifestationof the goddess DEVI sometimes seen in companywith VIŠNU, when conventionally she stands onhis right. Her breasts are covered by a narrow bandof cloth. She may be invoked to provide wealth (seealso Laksmi). Her retinue includes the goddesses ofthe seasons and her animal is a mule. Color: blue.Attributes: chiefly cup and staff but on occasion severalother objects including a pink lotus. Three-eyedand may be three-headed. Also LHA MO.3. <strong>God</strong>dess. Jain.Srikantha (beautiful throat)Minor deity. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). One of agroup of emancipated VIDYESVARAS (lords ofknowledge) considered to be aspects of ŠIVA, inthis instance referring to his darkish blue neck.Also one of the EKADASARUDRAS or eleven formsof RUDRA. Attributes: hatchet and trident.Srivasumukhi (excellent-faced)Minor goddess. Buddhist (Mahayana). An attendantof VASUDHARA.Srivasundhara (earth)Minor goddess. Buddhist (Mahayana). An attendantof VASUDHARA.Srividyadevi (of excellent knowledge)Minor goddess. Hindu. A deity of terrifyingappearance. Attributes: necklace of bones, teeth.Stanitakumara<strong>God</strong>. Jain [India]. One of the deities groupedunder the general title of BHVANAVASI (dwelling inplaces). <strong>Of</strong> youthful appearance.SterculiusMinor god of agriculture. Roman. Concernedwith the manuring of the fields.Stribog<strong>God</strong> of winds. Slav. Mentioned in the Chronicle ofNestor, and the euphemism “Stribog’s grandchildren”refers to the winds.StyxChthonic underworld goddess. Greek. A daughterof OKEANOS and TETHYS, and mother ofNIKE. The deity of the river Styx beside which thegods swear their oaths.ŠuPrimordial god of the air. Egyptian. According tothe genealogy of the priests of Heliopolis, he isthe first born of the creator sun god ATUM and byhis sister TEFNUT is the father of the chthonicgod GEB and the sky goddess NUT. Šu is typicallyrepresented in human form standing over thesupine form of Geb and holding Nut aloft withhis raised arms. He can also, as one of severalmanifestations of the “eye of RE,” be representedas a lion, as can his sister.Subhadra (very splendid)<strong>God</strong>dess. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). The daughterof VASUDEVA and sister of KRSNA. She mayappear standing beside JAGANNATH.

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