Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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292 Sore-Gusformation of the cosmos. She is described as a likenessof Pistis and seems to be the primeval elementof light. She acts as a mediator or “veil”between the immortal beings (Archons) andmankind. She is also the challenger to the primordial“shadow” which becomes chaos. In the NagHammadi text On the Origin of the World, PistisSophia generates YALDABAOTH, the father or“prime parent” of the seven androgynous beingswho rule the heavens in the likeness of the originalauthorities so that the likeness may persist forever.See also Pistis and Yaldabaoth.Sore-GusSky god. Hottentot [Namibia, southern Africa].The sun god, embodied in the shape of a goldenram with long fluffy wool.Sors<strong>God</strong> of luck. Roman. Derived from the Greekmodel of TYCHE, he is less prominent in the pantheonthan the goddess FORTUNA.Sothis [Greek]Astral goddess. Egyptian. She heralds the Nileinundation as the personification of the starSirius which rises coincidentally in the dawnsky in July. She is depicted as a nude figure wearingthe conical white crown of Lower Egyptsurmounted by a star. Late in Egyptian historyshe becomes largely syncretized with ISIS. AlsoSopdet (Egyptian).SouluiVegetation god. Hua [southeastern Ghana, WestAfrica]. A benevolent deity who can bestowwealth as well as good harvests. He is also godof medicine and of the sounds of music. Hisdevotees wear white and daub white chalk ontheir faces. His symbol is the cowrie shell.SpandarametChthonic goddess. Pre-Christian Armenian.Concerned with the fertility of the earth and withdeath. Under Christian influence, her nameequates with hell.Spes<strong>God</strong>dess of hope. Roman. Foundations of a sanctuarywere commenced by the emperor Tiberius,linked with a similar building dedicated to thegod JANUS. She is associated with gardens anddepicted as a young woman bearing a bunch offlowers.SpiniensisMinor god of agriculture. Roman. Mentioned bythe writer Fabius Pictor, he is the deity responsiblefor the uprooting of thorn bushes.Sravana (lame cow)Minor goddess of fortune. Hindu (Epic andPuranic). A benevolent NAKSATRA; daughter ofDAKSA and wife of CANDRA (SOMA). Also Srona.SouconnaRiver goddess. Romano-Celtic (Gallic). Guardianof the river Saône and known chiefly frominscriptions at Chalon.SravisthaMinor goddess of fortune. Hindu (Epic andPuranic). A benevolent NAKSATRA; daughter ofDAKSA and wife of CANDRA (SOMA).

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