Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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286 SindhuSindhuRiver goddess. Hindu (Vedic). Identified only inthe Rg Veda and of unknown source.SingalaLocal god. Pre-Islamic northern Arabian.Mentioned only in name by the Babylonianking Nabonidus, worshiped at Taima and influencedstrongly by Egyptian culture.See also SALM OF MAHRAM.Sipe GialmoMother goddess. Bon (pre-Lamaist) [Tibet]. Theso-called “queen of the world.” Her animal is amule. Attributes: banner, bowl, parasol, swastika,sword and trident. Three-eyed.SipyleneMother goddess. Smyrna (Anatolia) [west coast ofTurkey]. The localized name of the great mother,worshiped in the Metroon sanctuary.Sinhanada (lion’s roar)Physician god. Buddhist-Lamaist [Tibet]. A varietyof AVALOKITESVARA. Typically depicted withstretched earlobes and attended by a lion. Color:white. Attributes: cup, fly whisk, image of theAMITABHA on the crown, lotus, moon disc, rosary,skin, snake, sword and trident. Three-eyed. Alsoaccounted among one of a series of medicinebuddhas or SMAN-BLA.SinivaliMinor goddess of prosperity. Hindu (Vedic).Associated specifically with the boon of children.The mistress of the nuclear family. She is depictedas a matronly lady.Sins Sga’nagwai (power of the shiningheavens)Supreme god. Haida Indian [Queen CharlotteIsland, Canada]. The god who gives power to allthings.Sirara<strong>God</strong>dess of the Persian Gulf. Mesopotamian(Sumerian and Babylonian-Akkadian). In creationmythology she is given charge over the waters ofthe Gulf by the god ENKI.SironaLocal goddess of healing. Romano-Celtic (Gallic).Known from limited inscriptions in whichshe is usually associated with the god GRANNUS orwith the Celtic APOLLO. A sculpture fromHochscheid in the Moselle basin in Germanydescribes her with a snake round her wrist reachingtoward a bowl of three eggs in her left hand.She may also have a small lapdog. Some authorssuggest she has sky associations.See also DIVONA and ONUAVA.Sirsir<strong>God</strong> of mariners. Mesopotamian (Babylonian-Akkadian). The guardian of boatmen.Siofn<strong>God</strong>dess. Nordic (Icelandic). Listed by Snorri(Prose Edda) as one of the AESIR goddesses.SirturSheep goddess. Mesopotamian (Sumerian andBabylonian-Akkadian). Known from inscriptions

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