Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Sina 285SiduriMinor goddess of brewing. Mesopotamian (Babylonian-Akkadian).Also identified with wisdom.SifCorn goddess. Nordic (Icelandic) and Germanic.The consort of THOR. She is mentioned in theEddaic Lay of Lokasenna and in the Lay of Harbarth.According to Snorri Sturluson she wasoriginally a prophetess called Sibyl. She possessesgreat beauty and has long golden hair. Her sonsare ULL and Loridi. According to tradition, LOKIcut off Sif’s hair in mischief, but when confrontedand threatened by Thor, he had the dwarfs makeher a magical hairpiece of pure gold which, whenit touched her head, became a living part of herand grew.Sigyn<strong>God</strong>dess. Nordic (Icelandic). The consort ofLOKI and listed among the AESIR goddesses. Herson is Nari or Narfi. According to tradition,SKADI, the consort of NJORD, set a poisonoussnake to drip poison on to a captive Loki butSigyn collected most of the venom in a bowl andthrew it away.Sikhandin (with a tuft of hair)Minor deity. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). Oneof a group of emancipated VIDYESVARAS (lords ofknowledge) considered to be aspects of ŠIVA.Attributes: knife and sword.SikhinPhysician god. Buddhist-Lamaist [Tibet].Accounted among one of a series of medicinebuddhas or SMAN-BLA. Typically depicted withstretched earlobes. Color: yellowish red.NOTE: the term also defines the symbolic useof fire.Silaparamita (perfection of character)Philosophical deity. Buddhist. Spiritual offspringof RATNASAMBHAVA. Color: white. Attributes:floral prayer wheel and jeweled staff.Silma InuaSupreme god. Inuit. A remote and vaguelydefined figure only rarely invoked or prayed to.SilvanusMinor god of woodlands and forests. Roman. Worshipof Silvanus seems largely to have been limitedto northern Italy. He became incorporated into theCeltic pantheon where his symbolism includes abill-hook, pots and hammers. His sacred animal isthe stag. The name was extended to embracegroups of woodland deities, the Silvani or Silvanae.Si’mskalinGuardian spirit. Kamchadal [southeastern Siberia].One of two sons of KUTKHU.SinMoon god. Mesopotamian (Babylonian-Akkadian). Derived from the older Sumerianmodel of NANNA. His consort is NIKKAL (NIN-GAL). He is symbolized by the new moon andperceived as a bull whose horns are the crescentof the moon. Cult centers are identified at Ur,Harran and Neirab. Also Suen (archaic).SinaMoon goddess. Polynesian (Samoan).See also HINA.

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