Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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284 ShomdeShomdeCreator god of localized observance. Kafir[Afghanistan]. Known from various villages in thesouthern Hindukush. Shomde is regarded eitheras equating or senior to the more generally recognizedgod IMRA. According to observers heprovides gold, silver and silk as well as butter,cheese, cream and flour. The main sanctuary wasprobably at the village of Dewa and in variouswooden sculptures Shomde is depicted in humanform. Also Wushum; Usum.Shong Li-KuanImmortal being. Taoist (Chinese). One of the“eight immortals” of Taoist mythology, he wasonce a mortal being who achieved immortalitythrough his lifestyle. Attributes include a fanwhich he waves over the dead to revive them.See also BA XIAN.Shong-Kui<strong>God</strong> of literature. Taoist (Chinese). According totradition he committed suicide when he failed inhis examinations. Also a guardian deity againstdemons, his attribute is a sword.Shou Lao<strong>God</strong> of longevity. Chinese. He originates as anastral deity but comes to head the heavenly ministryresponsible for setting the span of a person’slife. He is also known as Nan-ji Hsian Weng, “theancient of the South Pole.” His sacred animal isthe crane, embodiment of long life.ShurdiStorm god. Illyrian [Albania]. Believed to sendthunder and lightning and revered into morerecent times.SiMoon god. Chimu Indian (pre-Columbian)[coastal regions of Peru]. The head of the pantheonand guardian of weather and of harvests.He is depicted subtended by a sickle moon,wearing a feathered crown and an armoredprojection on his back. May also be representedas a goddess.Sia<strong>God</strong> of perception. Egyptian. Minor deitydepicted at RE’s right hand where he holds thepapyrus of intellect. He travels in the sun god’sbarque. According to legend he was one of severaldeities formed in drops of blood falling from Re’spenis.Ši’aMinor attendant goddess. Western Semitic(Phoenician). The personification of the holinessof sanctuaries of BAAL ŠAMIN. In Hellenic timesshe may have become syncretized with TYCHE.Siddhi (accomplishment, success)Minor goddess of good fortune. Hindu (Epic andPuranic). A deity who grants favors. Sometimesassociated with the elephant god GANESA orMAHA-GANAPATI, on whose knee she may sit. Inearlier times she was described as a consort ofBHAGA.Si’dukuMother spirit. Kamchadal [southeasternSiberia]. The daughter of KUTKHU, Si’duku isthe consort of her brother TI’ZIL-KUTKHU andthe mother of Amle’i. Amle’i married anotherunnamed daughter of Si’duku and fathered theKamchadal race.

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