Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Shina-Tsu-Hime 283ShaniAstral god and bringer of misfortune. Hindu(late). The cult of Shani evolved in about theeighth century AD with the advance of Indianastronomy. He is propitiated frequently to wardoff ill-luck and may be depicted sitting on a lotusor riding in a chariot. Attribute: a staff.ShankpanaPlague god. Yoruba [Nigeria, West Africa]. Theson of SHANGO, he is credited with having oncebeen a god of war who invaded the country (as adisease). He is particularly identified with smallpox.His symbol is the sesame plant which takesthe form of a taboo and brings disease to thosewho take it into their house. A festival is held inSeptember to propitiate Shankpana with sacrificesof animals and fruit.Sheela Na GigMother goddess. Celtic (Irish). The primal earthmother closely associated with life and death. Oneof the rare depictions of Irish Celtic deities thathave survived into the Christian era. She is shownnaked, with large breasts, with her legs apart andholding open her vagina. The image frequentlyadorns walls of Irish churches. Also Sheila naCioch.Shen Nung<strong>God</strong> of agriculture. Chinese. Known as the divinefarmer. According to tradition, during his lifetimehe invented the plough and taught basicagriculture and the use of herbs. In a moredestructive aspect, he is also the god of the hotwinds. He is depicted with the head of an ox andis regarded by some authors as a successor to NUKUA. Also Shen Nong.gShen-Lha-Odkhar<strong>God</strong> of light. Bon (pre-Lamaist) [Tibet]. In theancient religion he is a creator deity from whomall other gods are engendered. In Lamaism heevolves into a god of wisdom.gShen-RabSupreme god. Bon (pre-Lamaist) [Tibet]. In theancient religion he is the remote and barelydefined creator deity. Attributes include a lotusand swastika.Shichi-Fuku-Jin<strong>God</strong>s of luck. Shinto [Japan]. The seven principaldeities concerned with fortune: EBISU, DAIKOKU,BENTEN-SAN, BISHAMON, FUKUROKUJU, HOTEIand JUNROJIN. The group is often representedtogether on their treasure ship Takara-Bune,which carries various magical devices including ahat of invisibility, a roll of brocade, an inexhaustiblepurse, keys to the divine treasure houseand so on.Shina-Tsu-Niko<strong>God</strong> of winds. Shinto [Japan]. The most senior ofhis group of wind deities, he disperses the morningmists and brings soft rustling breezes. Hisconsort is Shina-Tsu-Hime and the couple areextensively worshiped by farmers and seafarers.They were allegedly responsible for bringingabout a miracle in the thirteenth century AD whenthey kept at bay, with off-shore winds, the army ofGengis Khan. They are honored in the main Ise-Jingu temple of Shintoism but their chief sanctuaryis at Tatta, a small town in Yamamoto. AlsoShina-Tobe-No-Mikoto.Shina-Tsu-HimeSee SHINA-TSU-NIKO.

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