Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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282 Seyonimplication remains that he was favored by thesun god and only forceful wrangling resulted invictory falling to Horus as rightful overlord ofthe two Egyptian kingdoms. A separate mythologycredits Seth with defense of the sun god REas he is about to be swallowed by Apophis, theperennially hostile serpent god of the underworld.The so-called Book of the Dead accountsSeth as the “lord of the northern sky” who controlsthe storm clouds and thunder.Rameses II, in a treaty with the Hittites,implied a fusion of Seth with the Hittite stormgod TEŠUB.Seyon (the red one)Creator god. Dravidian (Tamil) [southern Indiaand Sri Lanka]. An early deity associated particularlywith hilly regions in parts of southern Indiaand thought to live in trees. Also Muruga.ŠezmuMinor god of wine and oil presses. Egyptian.Known from circa 3000 BC until the end ofEgyptian history, circa AD 400. In later iconographyhe is depicted as a lion, but more generally isin human form. Šezmu had a definite cult followingin the fertile Faiyum region of the Nile valley,but was probably represented in most sanctuaries,particularly where ritual unguents were made andstored. He is recognized in both benign andmalevolent roles. In the latter he is reputed tosqueeze human heads like grapes, but in beneficentmood he provides aromatic oils and ointments.Sga’naSea god. Haida Indian [Queen Charlotte Island,Canada]. Embodied in the killer whale (Orca).The universe is believed to be inhabited by supernaturalbeings called Sga’na Qeda’s for whom theland was first created. Also Masset San.Shadanana-SubrahmanyaForm of the god KARTTIKEYA. Hindu (Puranic).The form possesses six heads and twelve arms.According to legend, the six heads arose becausethe fire god AGNI had an adulterous relationshipwith the six consorts of the risis (astral gods) whoall needed to suckle the offspring. Like Karttikeya,he is usually depicted riding on a peacock.Shang Kuo-LaoImmortal being. Taoist (Chinese). One of the“eight immortals” of Taoist mythology, traditionhas it that he was embodied as a bat whichachieved immortality in human form. His sacredanimal is an ass. Attributes include drum anddrumsticks.See also BA XIAN.Shang TiCreator god. Taoist (Chinese).See also YU HUANG SHANG TI.ShangoChthonic storm god. Yoruba [Nigeria, WestAfrica]. As an earth deity he was once a mortalman, the king of Oyo, who transformed himselfinto an immortal. According to tradition, duringhis life he breathed tongues of fire. He thenascended into the sky by climbing a golden chainand became the god of thunder and lightning. Heis also god of justice, punishing thieves and liars.His consorts include OYA, Oshun and Oba. Cultfollowers of Shango are believed to be able tomake lightning strike an adversary. In shrines toShango, the image of the god is adorned with aram’s head. Also SANGO.

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