Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Semele 279ADITYAS, all of whom take the role of sun godswas, in later times, enlarged to twelve, includingSavitar. The god of the rising and setting sun.Color: golden. Attributes: club, prayer wheel andtwo lotuses.SaxnotTutelary god. Saxon. He is mentioned besideWoden and Thunor as one of the deities to berenounced at Christian baptism. As Saxneat hewas allegedly the founder of the Saxon royaldynasty in Essex. The name may derive fromthe word sahsginot meaning “companion of thesword.” He may also equate with the Germangod Tyr.ŠedGuardian god. Egyptian. Popular as a personaldeity and often identified on protective amulets.SednaSea goddess. Inuit [Baffin Land]. The mother ofall the creatures of the sea and invoked by fishermen.Sefkhet-Abwy (she who has seven horns)Local goddess of libraries and writing. Egyptian.Probably a form of the goddess SEŠAT. Depictedin human form bearing a seven-pointed star orrosette on her head below a bow-shaped object.ŠayMinor god of destiny. Egyptian. Depictedwholly in human form. Šay is mentioned in theAni papyrus as being present at the ritual ofthe weighing of the heart, in company withfunerary goddesses including Meskhenet,ŠEPSET and RENENUTET. In Greco-Romantimes he was syncretized with the snake godAgathodaimon.Sekhet-HorCow goddess. Egyptian (Lower). The fostermotherof the god HORUS and particularlyinvoked to safeguard cattle.SelardiMoon god. Urartian [Armenia]. The counterpartof the Mesopotamian deity SIN.SebittiGroup of minor war gods. Mesopotamian (Babylonian-Akkadian).The children of the god ANUwho follow the war god ERRA into battle. Theyare, in alternative traditions, of good or evil influence.In Greek tradition they become thePleiades.SecuritaGuardian goddess. Roman. She was invoked toensure the continuing stability of the Romanempire.Selene (radiant)Moon goddess. Greek. The daughter of HYPER-ION (a TITAN) and sister of the sun god HELIOS.The tutelary deity of magicians, she rides in achariot drawn by two horses. According to legendshe fell in love with the sleeping Endymion. Shebecomes largely syncretized with HEKATE and inRoman culture equates with the goddess LUNA.Semele (earth)Mother goddess. Greco-Roman but probably ofThracian or Phrygian origin. According to legend

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