Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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278 Satrughnadescribed in Pyramid Texts, particularly the StepPyramid at Saqqara, and there is reference to asanctuary built for her at Elephantine. Also Satjit;Satet (both Egyptian).Satrughna (destroyer of foes)Minor god. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). Thebrother of LAKSMANA and a half-brother to thegod RAMA. His mother is Sumitra. He may bedepicted holding a fly whisk in each hand.See also LAKSMANA.SaturnusAstral god. Roman. Identified with the planetSaturn, but thought to have originated as anagricultural deity concerned with sowing ofseed. A sanctuary existed on the Roman forumfrom as early as 450 BC, also functioning as theimperial treasury. Saturnus was celebratedin the Saturnalia festival (December 17-19) duringwhich masters and slaves exchanged rolesand candles were given as gifts to symbolize thewinter darkness.Satyabhama (with true luster)<strong>God</strong>dess. Hindu-Dravidian (Tamil). Knownparticularly from southern India as the secondconsort of KRSNA, who stands on her left;also as the secorid consort of VIŠNU. Attribute:a flower.SatyrWoodland god. Greco-Roman. Generic termfor an assortment of divine beings with ahuman torso and the legs, hair and horns ofa goat. They include the god PAN and thedemigod Silenus who raised the adolescentBACCHUS.Saubhagya-Bhuvanesvari (buddha of goodfortune)<strong>God</strong>dess of good fortune. Buddhist. A gentle andbenevolent deity. Color: red. Attributes: red lotus,and waterjar with jewels.SauleSun goddess. Pre-Christian Latvian. Also havingagricultural links, she is perceived as living on aheavenly farm atop a mythical mountain andinvoked to induce fertility and ripening amongcrops. Her consorts are the sky god DIEVS and themoon god MENESS.ŠauškaFertility goddess. Hittite and Hurrian. <strong>Of</strong> Hurrianorigin, Šauška was adopted by the Hittitestate religion. She is also identified with war andis particularly renowned as a goddess of healing.She is depicted in human form with wings, standingwith a lion and accompanied by two attendants.Šauška is known in detail only because shebecame the patron goddess of the Hittite kingHattusilis II (1420-1400 BC).Savari<strong>God</strong>dess of terrifying appearance. Buddhist-Lamaist[Tibet]. One of a group of gauris. Color: white.Attributes: holding the mountain known as Meru.Savea Si’uleo<strong>God</strong> of the dead. Polynesian. The brother ofSALEVAO, god of rocks.Savitar (impeller)Sun god. Hindu (Puranic). The original Vediclist of six descendants of the goddess ADITI or

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