Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Satis 277Sarvapayanjaha (remover of miseries)<strong>God</strong>. Buddhist (Mahayana). A dhyaniboddhisattvaor spiritual mediation buddha. Color: white.Attribute: hook in two hands.Sarvasokatamonirghatamati (destroyer ofsorrow)<strong>God</strong>. Buddhist. A dhyanibodhisattva or spiritualmeditation buddha.Sarvastramahajvala (the great blaze of allweapons)<strong>God</strong>dess of learning. Jain [India]. One of sixteenVIDYADEVI headed by the goddess SARASVATI.SasanadevataMessenger goddess. Jain [India]. Generic namefor one of a group of twenty-four who minister tothe tirthankaras or saints of Jainism.SasuratumMidwife goddesses. Western Semitic (Canaanite).A group of seven female deities fathered by BAAL.Also Kosharot (Hebrew).SatabhisaMinor goddess of fortune. Hindu (Epic andPuranic). A malevolent NAKSATRA; daughter ofDAKSA and wife of CANDRA (SOMA).Satarupa (with a hundred forms)Minor goddess. Hindu (Puranic). The daughterof BRAHMA with whom he committed incestand whose beauty caused him to generatefour heads so that he might view her from alldirections.SATI (truth)ORIGIN Hindu (Epic and Puranic) [India].Mother goddess.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa AD 400 untilpresent.SYNONYMS Sakti, PARVATICENTER(S) OF CULT none specific.ART REFERENCES sculptures generally in bronze,but also in stone.LITERARY SOURCES Ramayana and other texts.Sati is the older incarnation of the benignaspect of the goddess Sakti. Alternatively she isperceived as an incarnation of LAKSMI. Accordingto legend her father was DAKSA and hermother PRASUTI. She bore sixteen daughters,the youngest of whom was Sati. She is perceivedas an ideal Hindu wife and mother who, as amaiden, falls in love with the god ŠIVA. At herchoosing-of-a-husband ceremony she is distressedthat her father has not invited Šiva andthrows her bridal wreath into the air, whereuponŠiva appears in front of her. She becomes theconsort of Šiva, but the marital association isgenerally recognized when he is in his formknown as Bhava, an epithet meaning “existence.”Eventually she dies at Daksa’s feet from the selfimmolatingheat of her own purity and zeal. Sheis reincarnated as Parvati.The mythology is the basis of the practice ofself-sacrifice which came to be known as sati orsuttee. She is also connected with fire-walkingrituals.Satis (she who shoots; she who pours)Minor goddess. Egyptian. A guardian of thesouthern (Nubian) border of Upper Egypt. Theconsort of the ram god KHNUM and, by implication,the mother of ANUKIS. She is depicted wearingthe conical white crown of Upper Egypt,bearing tall plumes or antelope horns. Satis is

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