Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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276 Sarpanitu(m)Sarasvati has now disappeared but she may also belinked with the Indus, etc). In the Vedic capacityher waves are said to smash mountains and hervoice is the roar of the torrent. Since her sourceof strength is the primeval water, she is inexhaustibleand she is a bringer of fertility andbountiful harvests. Thus, by inference, she alsoprovides prosperity. Her presence purifies and,in antiquity, she slew VRTRA, the demonic god ofchaos. In her capacity as a Vedic goddess she isinvoked on the sacrificial field with the lessergoddesses ILA, BHARATI, MAHI and HOTRA.In later Puranic literature Sarasvati (Brahmi)becomes the first consort of the creator godBRAHMA (see also GAYATRI). Other texts offer herin contention with LAKSMI as consort of VIŠNU.She also became syncretized with the goddessVAC. She is said to have invented Sanskrit and isidentified as goddess of wisdom and of the arts.The Vedas are her inspiration and she may beknown as the “mother of the Vedas.” A Hindu festivalin her honor is celebrated in early January orlate February. She is a patron goddess of students,and books, pencils and pens are offered to her bychildren before they begin classes. Her imageoften appears on the portals of school gates.She is generally depicted with either two orfour arms. Color: white. She may be seated orride upon a swan or a peacock or a lotus. Attributesinclude particularly the lute but also arrow,bell, book, bow, conch, club, hook, prayer wheel,rosary, waterjar and other items. She may offer apiece of sugar cane or a flower to Brahma. Infrequentlythree-headed.Sarpanitu(m)See ZARPANITUM.Šarra ItuFertility goddess. Mesopotamian (Sumerian andBabylonian-Akkadian). Originally the tutelarydeity of the city of Šu-Sin. By Hellenistic timesshe probably became the more important goddessSarrahitu who is included in the pantheon atUruk and mentioned in various cult texts whereshe is described as “the bride” and was presumablyinvolved in a sacred marriage ceremony.ŠarrahituSee ŠARRA ITU.SarritorMinor god of agriculture. Roman. Invoked duringgrowing and harvesting of crops.Šarruma<strong>God</strong>. Hittite and Hurrian. Originally a Hurriandeity adopted by the Hittite state religion. The sonof the weather god TEŠUB and his consort HEBAT.His sacred animal is a panther. Attribute: ax.Sarvabuddhadharma-Kosavati (with thevirtues of all the buddhas)<strong>God</strong> of literature. Buddhist. The deification oftexts. One of a group of DHARANIS. Color: yellow.Attributes: basket of jewels and staff.Sarvakarmavaranavisodhani (washingaway the obstruction of all deeds)<strong>God</strong> of literature. Buddhist. The deification oftexts. One of a group of DHARANIS. Color: green.Attribute: staff.Sarvanivaranaviskambhin (remover of stain)<strong>God</strong>. Buddhist (Mahayana). A dhyaniboddhisattvaor spiritual meditation buddha. Color: white.Attributes: book, jewel, moon disc, sword andstaff.

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