Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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274 SanjnaSanjna (conscience)<strong>God</strong>dess. Hindu. The daughter of TVASTAR, aconsort of SURYA and, in some texts, the motherof YAMA.Santa (appeased)Mother goddess. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). ASAKTI who is one of a group of both SAPTAMATARAand ASTAMATARA mothers. Also CAMUNDA.SanjuHarvest goddess. Kafir [Afghanistan]. A littlereporteddeity, the consort of the war god GISHand daughter of SANU. She controls the harvesting,threshing and winnowing of grain andthe safe storage of wheat and butter. She carriesa golden winnow and is either depicted inhuman form or as a goat. Her cult is knownchiefly from the village of Pronz in the southernHindukush where she enjoyed an importantsanctuary with stone seats around the icon, partof which reportedly still exists. Wooden statuesdepict her in human form, nude to the waist.Alternatively, she is perceived as a bird that actsas a messenger. The blood of sacrificial animalswas poured over the figure. Also Sulmech;SANU.SankariMother goddess. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). Oneof the SAPTAMATARAS.Sankha(pala)Snake god. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). One ofa group of seven MAHANAGAS or nagadevas.Attributes: cup and rosary. Three-eyed.Sanmukha (six-headed)<strong>God</strong>. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). A form ofSKANDA and the son of PASUPATI and Svaha. <strong>God</strong>of the month asadha. His SAKTIS include VIJAYAand Jaya. He holds a large variety of attributes.Also Arumukan.Santana (offspring)Minor god. Hindu. The son of Ugra and DIKSA.Also the personification of one of the five trees ofparadise.Santi (peace of mind)<strong>God</strong>dess. Hindu. The consort of TRIVIKRAMA.Santoshí MataMother goddess. Modern Hindu. She firstappeared in northern India in 1960 and has sincedeveloped a sizeable cult following. She isinvoked to assist in gaining personal advancementand prosperity.Sanu<strong>God</strong> of obscure affinities. Kafir (Afghanistan).The father of the goddess SANJU and an adversaryof the war god GISH. Described as a “Muslim,” soperhaps of foreign import. Also Sanru.Sao Ching Niang NiangMother goddess. Chinese. One of the “nine darkladies” of the pantheon who adopt a protectiverole. She removes rain clouds when they threatento flood crops.ŠapašSun god. Western Semitic (Canaanite). Modeledon the Mesopotamian (Babylonian-Akkadian)god ŠAMAŠ.

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