Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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272 Samaof Rome, is dedicated to the deity. He was alsoworshiped within the colonies of the empire.There is an altar at Corbridge in Northumberland,England with a votive inscription to Salus.Attributes include a bowl and a snake.SamaObscure heroic god. Dravidian (Tamil) [southernIndia]. Known circa first to fifth century AD.The younger brother of the god of love KAMAand equating to SAMBA, worshiped in northernIndia.SamaelCreator god. Gnostic Christian. The “blind god.”See also YALDABAOTH.Samantabhadra (all-good)<strong>God</strong>. Buddhist. A form of VAIROCANA and adhyanibodhisattva (spiritual meditation buddha).He sits on a throne carried by a white elephant.Color: blue, green or white. Attributes: bell, cup,jewel, lotus with prayer wheel or sword. In Tibethe is also known as Kun-tu-bzan-po.See also BO HSIAN.Samantaprabha (possessing universal splendor)Minor goddess. Buddhist (Vajrayana). One ofseveral deified BHUMIS recognized as differentspiritual spheres through which a disciple passes.Color: red. Attributes: an image of AMITABHAcarried in the hand, and a staff.the god UTU in the Sumerian pantheon. He isassociated with justice. His symbol is the sun discand a star surrounded with radiating sunbeams.He may carry a single-headed scimitar embellishedwith a panther head. His sanctuary isknown as the E-babbar. Also associated withhuman-headed bulls. His attendant deitiesinclude Mešaru, justice, and Kettu, righteousness.He came to much greater prominence in thepantheon at Babylon from about the eighteenthcentury BC.SambaHeroic god. Hindu [northern India]. The son ofKRSNA and RUKMINI, alternatively the son ofVIŠNU. The younger brother of the god KAMAand consort of INDUKARI. Also one of the minorincarnations of Višnu worshiped in the cult of thepancaviras by the Vrisni clans.SamkarsanaLocalized form of BALARAMA. Dravidian (Tamil)[southern India and Sri Lanka]. Has a complexion“white like milk,” wears a blue robe with a redgarland and carries a nanjil (plough).Sampsa (sedge)Vegetation god. Pre-Christian Finnish. He is perceivedas a giver of life to seed which lies dormantthrough the winter months. His unnamed consort,to whom he is wed in a form of sacredmarriage which takes place at sowing time, is alsohis stepmother.ŠamašSun god. Mesopotamian (Babylonian-Akkadian).The patron deity of Sippar and Larsa. His consortis the mother goddess A-A. Šamaš derives fromŠamsSun deity. Pre-Islamic Arabian. In the north thebeing is male, in the south female. Probablyderived from ŠAMAŠ.

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