Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Salus 271“eye of Re.” She is sometimes linked with Hathorwho is described as the “mistress of the house ofSakhmet.” In a more benign aspect, Sakhmet is aguardian goddess against disease.ŠalaWar goddess. Mesopotamian (Babylonian-Akkadian).A consort of ADAD, she carries a doubleheadedmace-scimitar embellished with lion heads.Šakka(n)<strong>God</strong> of cattle. Mesopotamian (Babylonian-Akkadian). A patron god of herdsmen, probablyderiving from the Sumerian god LAHAR. AlsoAmakandu, Sumuqan.SalagramaAniconic form of the god VIŠNU. Hindu (late). Afossil ammonite shell embodying the god andforming a part of daily ritual in many Vaisnavahouseholds as well as appearing in monasteries.Sakra (the mighty one)<strong>God</strong>. Buddhist. The god of the month asvina andan epithet of the Vedic god INDRA.Sakti (energy)Personification of a god. Hindu, Jain and Buddhist.The effective power, or creative force, ofa deity in the form of a female aspect. In amore specific context, the SAKTI identifies thecreative force of the god ŠIVA, particularly theugra or violent aspects DURGA and KALI. TheSakti may frequently have the same characteristicsand carry the same attributes as theprincipal god. In Tantrism, the unity ofopposites is defined by the Sakti, which is theyoni or female sexuality that unites with themale lingam of Šiva.Sakumo<strong>God</strong> of war. Gan [Accra region, Ghana, WestAfrica]. The guardian deity of the Gan tribe.Sakyamuni (the sage of the Sakyas)<strong>God</strong>. Buddhist-Lamaist [Tibet]. The historicalBUDDHA, known mainly from Tibet. He standsupon a lotus. Color: golden. Attribute: a bowl.SalevaoPrimordial god of rocks. Polynesian. He is thebrother of SAVEA SI’ULEO, god of the dead, andthe consort of PAPATUANUKA, the earth mother,who became pregnant and gave birth to Moa inthe center of the earth. (Moa may have been theancestor of mankind, roughly equating to Adam.)Šalim<strong>God</strong> of evening. Western Semitic (Syrian). Generallylinked with ŠAR, the god of dawn.Salm of Mahram (image of Mahram)Local tutelary god. Pre-Islamic northern Arabian.Correspondence of the Babylonian king Nabonidus(559-539 BC) mentions that this deity was worshipedat Taima, an important trade and religiouscenter where he was head of the pantheon. <strong>God</strong>s inthe region were often named after local places andpersonified by a stone stele carved with schematicanthropomorphic features and a winged disc showingstrong Egyptian influence. Also Salman.Salus (salvation)Minor god of health. Roman. A sanctuary datedto 302 BC on the Quirinal, one of the seven hills

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