Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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RATNASAMBHAVA 263RanStorm goddess. Nordic (Icelandic). The consortof the god AEGIR. She was presumed to gathermariners in her net having carried them to thebottom of the sea in whirlpools. She was propitiatedwith money and other offerings thrownoverboard.Rang<strong>God</strong> of hunting. Nuer [Sudan]. The rays of thesun are his flaming spears. Also Garang.RanginuiSky god. Polynesian (including Maori). The socalledsky father of the Polynesian culture whoseconsort is PAPATUANUKU, the earth mother.During a prolonged period of inseparable intercoursethey became the prime parents of thePolynesian pantheon of gods. The children foundlife between the bodies of the parents toocramped and conspired to force them apart.Though one offspring, TUMATAUENGA, wantedto slay them, the advice of TANEMAHUTA, the forestgod, prevailed and RANGINUI and Papatuanukuwere merely forced apart.Rasnu<strong>God</strong> of passage and justice. Persian [Iran]. Theguardian of the bridge which leads to the otherworld.He weighs souls in the scales at the finaljudgment.Rati<strong>God</strong>dess of sexual desire. Hindu (Epic andPuranic). A daughter of DAKSA (in some textsŠIVA) and the consort of the god KAMADEVA. Oneof twelve SAKTIS associated with the god VIŠNU inhis various incarnations. Attribute: a sword.Ratnapani (with a jewel in the hand)<strong>God</strong>. Buddhist. A form of RATNASAMBHAVA andalso a dhyanibodhisattva or meditation BUDDHA.Color: yellow or green. Attributes: a jewel andthe moon disc.RatnaparamitaPhilosophical deity. Buddhist. Spiritual offspringof RATNASAMBHAVA. Color: red. Attributes: jeweledstaff and moon on a lotus.RATNASAMBHAVA (born of a jewel)ORIGIN Buddhist [India]. The third DHYANIBUD-DHA or meditation BUDDHA.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 500 BC untilpresent.SYNONYMS Ratnaheruka.CENTER(S) OF CULT pan-Asiatic.ART REFERENCESmetal and stone sculptures;paintings.LITERARY SOURCES Sadhanamala and Tantric ritualtexts.One of five mystic spiritual counterparts of ahuman buddha in Vajrayana Buddhism. A productof the ADIBUDDHA who represents thebranch of the cosmos concerned with sensation.He originates from the yellow mantra symbolTRAM and lives in the southern paradise. Thehead of a group of deities who carry jewels andare family symbols, his SAKTI is MAMAKI and heis normally accompanied by two lions or horses.Color: yellow. Attributes: jewel and threemonkish robes.Ratnasambhava is also taken as a tutelary deityin Lamaism [Tibet] in which case his attributesinclude a bell and a jewel. Emanationsinclude APARAJITA, JAMBHALA, MAHAPRATISARA, thePARAMITAS, PRASANNATARA, RATNAPANI, VAJRATARA,VAJRAYOGINI and VASUDHARA. (See also AKSOBHYA,

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