Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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260 QUIKINN.A’QUThe human population perished and in doing sowere transformed into dogs, turkeys and butterflies.Illustrated by the “Stone of the Four Suns”[Yale Peabody Museum]. Also Quiauhtonatiuh;Tletonatiuh.QUIKINN.A’QU (big raven)ORIGIN Koryak [Kamchatka peninsula, southeasternSiberia]. Founder of the world.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP from earlytimes until circa AD 1900.SYNONYMS none.CENTER(S) OF CULT no fixed sanctuaries.ART REFERENCES none specific, though woodencarvings may relate.LITERARY SOURCES Jochelson Memoirs of theAmerican Natural History Society Vol. 10(1905).A spirit of a primitive culture still heavily influencedby animism. Quikinn.a’qu is not only adeity but also the first man and a powerfulshaman. Everything had existed before, but hewas responsible for revealing that which hithertohad been concealed. He is married to MITI andsaid to have twelve children, the most significantof whom are EME’MQUT and Yina-a-naut (see alsoAESIR) who are in constant conflict with the evilspirits or Kalau.Quikinn.a’qu is the subject of many heroicadventures in which he undertakes to make safethe activities of mankind. He possesses a ravencloak with which he can indulge in shape-changingand fly to the heavens. Acts as a celestialmajordomo and an intercessor with the creatorgod. According to legend, he died when heswallowed the sun. His daughter took it fromhis mouth and returned it to the sky.Little of this deity was known to the outsideworld until the turn of the 20th century. In 1900the Swedish-American ethnologist WaldemarJochelson spent a considerable time livingwith Siberian tribes, including the Kovyak inthe Kamchatka Peninsula, and discovered anextensive repertoire of tradition surroundingQuikinn.a’qu.Quinoa-MamaMinor goddess of the quinoa crop. Pre-Columbian Indian [Peru]. Models of the deitywere made from the leaves of the plant and keptfor a year before being burned in a ritual to ensurea good quinine harvest.Quirinus<strong>God</strong> of war. Roman. One of a triad of warriorgods including JUPITER and MARS. He originatedas the tutelary god of the Sabines, living on theQuirinal, one of the seven hills of Rome. His warriorstatus is primarily one of defense and he isdepicted bearded and in a compromise of militaryand clerical clothing. The myrtle is sacred to him.Quzah (archer)Mountain and weather god. Pre-Islamic northernArabian. Probably equating to QOŠ and worshipedby the Idumaean tribe to the south ofJudea as a storm god. Also claimed to have beenknown near Mecca. Attributes include a bowwhich shoots arrows of hail.

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