Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Q6QaitakalninGuardian spirit. Koryak [southeastern Siberia].The brother of Big Raven, QUIKINNA’QU, and ofthe mother spirit Ha’na (A’na).Qamai’tsCreator goddess. Bella Coola Indian [BritishColumbia, Canada]. Said to live in the upper heaven,Atsa’axl, from where she controls the earth. Accordingto tradition the mountains were once malevolentbeings who made the world uninhabitable, until sheconquered them and reduced them in size. She isnever invoked or prayed to. Also Tsi Sisnaaxil (ourwoman); Ek Yakimtolsil (afraid of nothing).Qa’wadiliqualaSupreme god. Dza’wadeenox Indian [BritishColumbia, Canada]. The guardian of the tribe butalso a river deity responsible for bringing thesalmon each year. Said to live in the river Gwae. Hiseldest son is TEWI’XILAK, the god of goat hunters.His attributes include a headband of red cedar bark.Qaynan<strong>God</strong> of smithies. Pre-Islamic southern Arabian.Known from inscriptions.Qeskina’qu (big light)Sky spirit. Koryak [southeastern Siberia]. One ofthe sons of QUIKINNA’QU, he is the apotheosis ofdaylight, a precious commodity during the longwinter months.QosLocal weather god. Pre-Islamic northern Arabian.Apparently known as the deification of anoutcrop of black basalt on the north side of theWadi Hesa [near Kirbet Tannur]. Also a god ofrainbows. Depicted seated on a throne flankedby bulls. Attributes include a branched thunderboltheld in the left hand. A worshiper is seenoffering him an eagle.Quadeš (the holy one)Fertility goddess. Western Semitic, probablyoriginating in Syria. She epitomizes female sexualityand eroticism in the mold of ASTARTE. Shewas adopted by Egypt with the fertility godsMIN and REŠEP and became partly associatedwith the goddess HATHOR. She is usuallydepicted nude standing on the back of a lion (seealso INANA and NINHURSAG˜ A) between Min towhom she offers a lotus blossom, and Rešep forwhom she bears snakes. Her cult followed the258

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