Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Prajnavardhani 251in Oxchuc, and the Indians were forced to revokeand spit on the icon before it was publicly burnt.Prabhakari (light-maker)Minor goddess. Buddhist (Vajrayana). One of severaldeified BHUMIS recognized as different spiritualspheres through which a disciple passes.Color: red. Attributes: sun disc on a great lotusand staff.Prabhasa (shining dawn)Attendant god. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). One ofa group of VASU deities answering to the godINDRA. Attributes: cup, hook, Sakti and staff.Pracanda (furious)Distinct form of the goddess DURGA. Hindu(Epic and Puranic). One of a group of NAVADUR-GAS or “nine durgas.”Pradhana (most important)Mother goddess. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). Oneof a group of nine NAVASAKTIS who, in southernIndia, rank higher than the SAPTAMATARAS.PradipataraMinor goddess of light. Buddhist (Mahayana).Pradyumna<strong>God</strong> of love. Early Dravidian (Tamil) [southernIndia]. The son of KRSNA and RUKMINI, and theelder brother of SAMA. Equating withKAMADEVA, or Kama returned to life after beingkilled by ŠIVA. In later Hinduism regarded as anavatara of VIŠNU with consorts includingMAYADEVI and Kakudmati.Prajapati (lord of creatures)Primordial being. Hindu (Vedic, Epic andPuranic). In the Vedic legends he is described variouslyas the creator of the world and the creatorof heaven and earth. He is an androgynous beingwho impregnated himself by fusing elements ofmind and speech. In later epics he is the guardiandeity of the sexual organ. Prajapati is also a nameof the god BRAHMA in later Hinduism.Prajna (wisdom)<strong>God</strong>dess. Buddhist (Mahayana). Regarded as theSAKTI of a number of Mahayana gods, or specificallyof ADIBUDDHA.Prajnantaka<strong>God</strong>. Buddhist. One of the dikpalas, guardians ofthe southern direction. Color: white. Attributes:jewel, lotus, sword, trident and white staff.Prajnaparamita<strong>God</strong>dess. Buddhist. The personification of the religioustext Prajnaparamita and the SAKTI of VAJRAD-HARA. An emanation of the deity AKSOBHYA. Alsoa philosophical deity, the spiritual offspring of RAT-NASAMBHAVA. The embodiment of transcendentalintuition. She stands upon a lotus. Color: white,reddish white or yellow. Attributes: blue lotus,book, cup, knife, jeweled staff and red lotus.Prajnapti (teaching)<strong>God</strong>dess of learning. Jain [India]. One of sixteenVIDYADEVI headed by the goddess SARASVATI.Prajnavardhani (growth of wisdom)Deification of literature. Buddhist. One of agroup of DHARANIS. Color: white. Attributes:staff and sword on blue lotus.

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