Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Pidray 247PeruwaHorse god. Hittite. Known only from inscriptions.Also Pirwa.Phanebal (face of Baal)Minor attendant god. Western Semitic. A youthfulwarrior deity with right hand raised who appears oncoins struck at Ascalon from the time of Augustus.PhanesPrimordial sun god. Greek. The first god to emergefrom the cosmic egg engendered by KRONOS, hepersonifies light emerging from chaos. Accordingto one tradition, his daughter is NYX, the night.blue, yellow or white. Attributes: noose, prayerwheel and staff surmounted by a skeleton.PicullusChthonic underworld god. Romano-Celtic(Prussian). He becomes syncretized with the devilin Christian times.Picvu’cin<strong>God</strong> of hunters. Chukchee [Eastern Siberia]. Adiminutive figure who rides on a sled drawn bymice. He is the guardian of reindeer and otheranimals and is invoked by sacrifice, usually ofcamp dogs.PhorkysMinor sea god. Greek. According to Hesiod, he isthe son of PONTOS and GAIA. The consort of asea-serpent, Keto, and the father of the Gorgonsand Graii. Also Phorkos.Phosphoros<strong>God</strong> of the morning star. Greek. His mother isEOS, the dawn, and he is depicted as a nakedyouth running ahead of her, carrying a torch. InRoman culture he becomes Lucifer.Phul MataMother goddess. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). ASAKTI who in later Hinduism became one of theSAPTAMATARAS regarded as of evil intent, inflictingsickness on children under seven years old.Particularly known from Bengal.Phyi-Sgrub (the external one)<strong>God</strong>. Buddhist-Lamaist [Tibet]. A form of thegod YAMA who rides a buffalo or a bull. Color:Pidari (snake-catcher)One of the consorts of ŠIVA. Hindu (Puranic andlater). A benevolent NAVASAKTI. The cult ofPidari probably evolved in the sixth and seventhcenturies AD and is generally restricted to southernIndia. She is considered an aspect of the goddessKALI and is invoked in many villages toward off evil and demons. She has most of theattributes of Kali and may also have snakesaround her breasts, but may additionally berepresented by a stone. Her cult moved at onetime and reached a climax in eastern Indiabetween the eighth and twelfth centuries.Attributes: cup, fire, noose and trident. AlsoPitali; Kala-Pidari.PidrayMinor fertility goddess. Canaanite and Phoenician.Mentioned in epic creation texts and treatiesat Ugarit (Ras Šamra) as the first daughter ofBAAL. She is the consort of BAAL SAPON, themother of Tly and may be the goddess Peraiadescribed by the Greek writer Philo.

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