Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Parna-Savari 243known chiefly from Hellenistic Babylonian times.His consort is AMASAGNUL and he acts as bothmessenger and gatekeeper for the rest of the pantheon.A sanctuary, the E-akkil, is identified fromthe Mesopotamian site of Mkiš. He becomes syncretizedwith NINŠUBUR.Paramasva (great horse)<strong>God</strong>. Buddhist (Mahayana). Considered to be aform of HAYAGRIVA depicted with four legs andtrampling the four major Hindu deities underfoot.Color: red. Attributes: arrow, bow, head ofa horse, great lotus, lotus, staff and sword. Threeeyed.Parcae<strong>God</strong>desses of fate. Greco-Roman. Originally apair of birth goddesses, DECIMA and NONA, laterjoined by a goddess of death, MORTA.ParendiMinor goddess of prosperity. Hindu (Vedic).Associated with the acquisition of wealth.PariacacaWeather god. Pre-Inca central <strong>And</strong>ean [SouthAmerica]. The deity responsible for rain andthunder, personified by the falcon.ParamitaDescriptive name of a philosophical deity.Buddhist. Applied to one of the group oftwelve whose spiritual father is RATNASAMBHAVA.Common attributes: banner with a pearl, anda lotus.Parasurama (Rama-with-the-ax)Incarnation of the god VIŠNU. Hindu (Epic andPuranic). The sixth avatara of Višnu (see alsoRAMA) in which form he saved the world from anarmy of tyrannical warriors. According to legend,Rama, the son of a wise man, became a skilledbowman and in gratitude he went to theHimalaya where he stayed, devoting himself toŠIVA. His consort is DHARANI. Though withouthis bow, Rama acted as a champion of the gods ina war against the demons and was rewarded withan ax. In another legend, Višnu took the form ofParasurama to rid the world of despotic rulers.This avatara appears in human form, withtwo arms and with an ax in the right hand. Otherattributes: arrow, bow, knife, skin and sword. AlsoParasuramavatara.Pariskaravasita (control of purification)Minor goddess. Buddhist. One of a group ofVASITAS personifying the disciplines of spiritualregeneration. Color: yellow. Attribute: jeweledstaff.Parjanya (rain giver)<strong>God</strong> of rain. Hindu (Vedic). Became replacedby, or syncretized with, INDRA in later Hinduism,but in the Vedas he is seen as a god ofgentle, fructifying rain. May be regarded as anADITYA.Parna-Savari (dressed in leaves)<strong>God</strong>dess. Buddhist (Mahayana). An emanation ofAKSOBHYA and BODHISATTVA or buddha-designate.Also one of a group of DHARANIS (deifications ofliterature). She is particularly recognized in thenorthwest of India. Her vehicle is GANESAsurmounting obstacles. Color: yellow or green.Attributes: arrow, ax, bow, flower, noose, peacockfeather, skin and staff. She is depicted as havingthree eyes and three heads.

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