Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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228 Nu’tenutappearances Nut is a celestial cow stretchingacross the sky, often held aloft by the figure of theair god Šu. This depiction continues into latertimes. In human form she often appears as a slim,arched figure, nude and balanced on her toes andfingertips, which touch the four cardinal points ofthe compass. In this posture she forms an archover Geb, whose erect penis points upwardstoward her. She is alternatively often supportedand separated from Geb by Šu.Nut is perceived as the barrier of the firmamentwhich separates the ordered cosmos fromprimordial matter. The thunder is her laughter.The solar barque travels along the arch of herbody, entering her mouth as night falls to passthrough her and emerge at dawn from hervulva.In a funerary context, when the ruler dies he issaid to be enfolded by the arms of Nut and to passwithin her body: “the doors of the sky are openedto him.”Nu’tenutEarth spirit. Chukchee [eastern Siberia]. Theowner of the world who sits in a large house builtof iron. He is surrounded by the spirits of sun,moon, sky, sea, dawn, darkness and world whoare suitors for his daughter (unnamed).NyakayaCrocodile goddess. Shilluk [Sudan]. A deity residingin the Nile, she is the consort of Okwa and themother of the first Shilluk king. Shilluks continueto sacrifice to Nyakaya.NyameCreator god. Akan [southern Ghana, WestAfrica]. An androgynous being symbolized in hismale aspect by the sun, and his female aspect bythe moon. He gave mankind its soul and is thecontroller of destiny. He enjoys a dedicatedpriesthood and is worshiped in the form of a treetrunk. Also Odomankoma; Onyame; Onyankopon;Totrobonsu.gNyanTree spirits, Tibetan. Malevolent forces residingin the mountains which can bring sickness ordeath.NyavireziLion goddess. Rwanda [central Africa]. Accordingto legend she was originally a mortal daughter ofthe tribal chief. While walking, she was transformedinto a lioness. Though returning tohuman form, she occasionally became leonineagain and, in this guise, slew at least one husbandwho discovered her secret.NyxPrimordial goddess. Greek. The essence of thenight whose sons were the twin brothers HYPNOS,god of sleep, and THANATOS, god of death.NzambiCreator god. Bakongo [Democratic Republic ofCongo, central Africa]. He created the first mortalpair or, in alternative tradition, an androgynousbeing in the guise of a palm tree calledMuntu Walunga (the complete person). He alsoendowed this being with intelligence. In woodensculptures the tree bears a woman’s head andbreast on one side and a bearded face on theother. Eventually the tree divided into two separatesexes. Also Nyambi; Nzambe; Yambe; Zambi.

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