Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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226 Nongwith the goddess DECIMA. In later Roman timesshe becomes one of a trio of goddesses of fate,with Decima and MORTA, the goddess of death,collectively known as the PARCAE.Nrtya (dance)Mother goddess. Buddhist-Lamaist [Tibet]. Oneof the ASTAMATARAS. Color: green or various.Attribute: staff.Nong<strong>God</strong> of winter and cold weather. Kafir[Afghanistan]. Nong lives in a glacier. He cracksthe ice and is seen in the melt water. He is perceivedas a misogynist and depicted in a woodeneffigy, though whether in human form isunclear. His cult center seems to have been thevillage of Zumu in the southern Hindukush.Also Zuzum.Nortia<strong>God</strong>dess of fate. Etruscan. She enjoyed an importantsanctuary at Volsini, where her presence wassymbolized by a large nail. In a New Year rite, thenail was hammered into a block of wood, probablyderived from an old fertility ritual symbolizingthe impregnation of life into the new year. Shehas been identified with the Greek goddessTYCHE.NsongoMoon goddess. Bangala [Democratic Republic ofCongo, central Africa]. The sister and consort ofthe supreme sun god LIBANZA. In the epic legendof Nsongo and Lianja she is the twin sister andconsort of a deified folk-hero.Nu KuaCreator goddess. Chinese. A primordial deitywho may be androgynous and who engenderedmankind out of lumps of yellow clay. The inventionof the flute is also attributed to her. Also Nu-Gua.Nu Mus DaTutelary god. Mesopotamian (Sumerian). Thepatron deity of the lost city of Kazallu, mentionedin texts.NosengaTribal god. Korekore (Shona) [Zimbabwe, southernAfrica]. He is accessible to mankind througha mortal medium or oracle known as Hore, wholives in the town of the tribal chief and is consultedonly with the chief’s permission. Nosengahas several human priestess consorts who arewedded to him in chastity in the fashion ofChristian nuns.Notus<strong>God</strong> of the southwest winds. Roman. Derivedfrom a Greek model. Also Auster.NUADU (wealth)ORIGIN Celtic (Irish). Tribal war god associatedwith healing.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP prehistoric timesuntil Christianization circa AD 400.SYNONYMS Nuada argatlam; Nodens (Romano-Celtic); Nudd (Welsh).CENTER(S) OF CULT the best known is the sanctuaryof Nodens at Lydney, Gloucestershire,England.ART REFERENCES none specific, though possiblythe subject of anonymous carvings.LITERARY SOURCES Books of Invasions; Cycles ofKings; votive inscriptions.

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