Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Nike 219NJORD. Tacitus alludes to her as TERRA MATERand describes how her cult statue was carriedaround in a covered sacred wagon drawn by oxen(see also FREYR).The vehicle was taboo to all but the priest ofthe goddess and, after each tour, was returned tothe grove where it was washed and stored.All ministering attendants were immediatelyslaughtered. A pair of elaborate ceremonial wagons,dated to about AD 200, were excavated froma peat bog at Dejbjerg (Denmark) and arethought to be of a type that carried such a deity.NesuTutelary god of royalty. Fon [Benin, West Africa].The guardian of the tribal chiefs, his shrine, theNese-we, is located close by royal palaces.Nethuns<strong>God</strong> of fresh water. Etruscan. Identified withwells and springs and depicted as a naked beardedfigure. He is probably to be equated with theRoman god NEPTUNUS.NetiChthonic underworld god. Mesopotamian(Sumerian and Babylonian-Akkadian). Chiefgatekeeper of the netherworld. The servant ofthe goddess EREŠKIGAL. Neti features prominentlyin the epic legend of Inana’s Descent intothe Underworld when he opens the seven gatesof the realm and admits the goddess, removingone emblem of her power at the threshold ofeach gate.Nextepehua (ash-scatterer)Minor chthonic underworld god. Aztec (classicalMesoamerican) [Mexico]. One of the groupof deities belonging to the MICTLANTECUHTLIcomplex.NgaiCreator god. Kikuyu and Masai [East Africa]. Thename given to a single god in the heavens, influencedby the spread of Christianity. He is also perceivedas, and may have evolved from, a weathergod whose presence is symbolized by lightning.NgunuwoGeneric title of guardian deities. Ewe [Togo,West Africa]. The name means, approximately,the fates.NiSea god. Chimu Indian (pre-Columbian SouthAmerica) [coastal areas of Peru]. A significantdeity in the pantheon, revered by fishermen.<strong>Of</strong>ten linked with SI, the moon god.NiamyeCreator god. Baule [Ivory Coast, West Africa].He engendered a consort for himself andproceeded to create all other living things onearth. His anger is evidenced by lightning andthunderbolts.Niha-Tsu-Hi-No-KamiFire god. Shinto [Japan]. Specifically the fire KAMIresponsible for household fires in the yard.Nike<strong>God</strong>dess of victory. Greco-Roman. Depicted as awinged messenger bringing the laurel wreath tothe victor of battle. Though of Greek origin,

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