Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Nephthys 217and, on reaching the delta, founded the city of Sais.She is also a birth goddess both of the cosmos andof other deities when she is depicted as the greatcelestial cow. She is the mother of Egyptian rulers.Neith is depicted in human form wearing thered crown of Lower Egypt and in ancient timesher pre-anthropomorphic symbol was a shieldbearing crossed arrows. She was sometimes calledupon for advice and judgment, as in the case ofthe eighty-year battle of the gods between SETHand HORUS, when she advised the sun god RE infavor of Horus. In other legends she becomes theconsort of Seth and the mother of the crocodilegod SOBEK.NekhbetLocal mother goddess. Egyptian (Upper). Knownfrom Nekhab (el-Kab), she is generally depictedin the form of a vulture with one or both wingsspread and holding the symbols of eternity in hertalons. Nekhbet is known from at least 3000 BCand is mentioned in the Pyramid Texts as the“great white cow”—a familiar epithet in respectof Egyptian mother or creator goddesses.Nekmet Awai<strong>God</strong>dess of justice. Egyptian. Locally knownfrom Hermopolis, she later became syncretizedwith the goddess HATHOR.Nemausius<strong>God</strong> of water. Romano-Celtic (Gallic). Associatedlocally with a sacred spring at Nimes inFrance.Nemesis<strong>God</strong>dess of justice and revenge. Greco-Roman.The dreaded deity who, with the Furies, isresponsible for transporting the souls of the guiltyto Tartarus. She is also described as the deificationof indignation. Her presence may be symbolizedby the fabulous winged griffon. Her cult was predominantlyat Rhamnus (Attica), where a magnificenttemple was built in her honor in the fifthcentury BC, and in Smyrna. She also had a templeat Iconium in Asia Minor. According to legend,ZEUS raped her and she bore HELEN in consequence.In certain respects she provides a parallelwith the goddess ERINYS. Her cult became oneof morality.Nemetona<strong>God</strong>dess of sacred groves. Romano-Celtic. Consortto the Roman deity MARS. Evidenced atplaces such as Bath (England) and Mainz (Germany);but also in place names which include theetymological base nemeton (a shrine).Ne’nenkicexCreator god. Kamchadal [southeastern Siberia].The name given to the Christian god by theKamchadals under influence of the RussianOrthodox church.Neper<strong>God</strong> of grain crops. Egyptian. The son of thesnake spirit RENENUTET, he is subservient toHAPY, the god of the Nile flood, and has linkswith OSIRIS as a vegetation deity who dies and isreborn to the afterlife. In female form the deitybecomes Nepit.Nephthys [Greek]Funerary goddess. Egyptian. Nephthys is theyounger sister of ISIS, OSIRIS and SETH, who arethe offspring of the chthonic god GEB and the

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