Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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216 NeboNebo<strong>God</strong> of writing and wisdom. Western Semitic.Known from Syrio-Palestinian inscriptions andequating to the Akkadian NABU. Mentioned inthe Vetus Testamentum.NediyonCreator god. Early Dravidian (Tamil) [southernIndia]. Equates with a syncretization of VIŠNUand KRSNA. The name implies a deity of tallstature. Sangam texts describe him wearing agolden robe. Attributes: conch, prayer wheel andlotus. Also Neduvel.fertility—a basket of fruit or cornucopia. Shemay also often have a small lapdog. Alternatively,she stands with one foot on the prow of a boatand grasps an oar or the rope.Nehebu-KauMinor snake god. Egyptian. Known from circa1500 BC. Essentially a chthonic deity he is,according to tradition, the son of the god GEB.Allegedly having eaten seven cobras, Nehebu-Kau offers protection against snake bite and scorpionsting. He is also one of the guardians of theEgyptian king in the afterlife.NefertumMinor god of primordial creation. Egyptian(Lower). Specifically he is the blue lotus blossom ofRE. Nefertum was worshiped in the Nile delta asthe son of the cobra goddess WADJET. At Memphishe is the son of the goddess SAKHMET, while elsewherein Lower Egypt his mother is considered tobe the goddess BASTET. Also Nephthemis (Greek).NegunMinor goddess. Mesopotamian (Sumerian).Known from limited references and of uncertainfunction. Possibly associated with the goddessSIRARA. Her brother is Ašai and they are linkedwith the cities of Adab and Keš. Also Lisin.Nehalennia<strong>God</strong>dess of seafarers. Romano-Celtic. Worshipedextensively between the second and thirteenthcenturies AD, particularly in the Netherlandswith sanctuaries at Domberg at the mouth of theRhine and Colijnsplaat on the Scheldt. Probablybegan as a tribal deity of the Morini tribe. Sheis generally depicted with the attributes ofNeit<strong>God</strong> of war. Celtic (Irish). A minor deity identifiedas the consort of the goddess MORRIGAN inher aspect as Nemain. Also the grandfather ofBalor, he was killed at the second legendary Battleof Moytura.NEITHORIGIN Egyptian. Creator goddess.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 3000 BC untilthe end of Egyptian history circa AD 400.SYNONYMS none.CENTER(S) OF CULTSais [Sa el-Hagar] in theNile delta.ART REFERENCES various sculptures, reliefs andwall paintings.LITERARY SOURCES Pyramid Texts; a papyrusfrom Dynasty XX; etc.Neith is a goddess of Lower Egypt specificallyassociated with Sais but soon becoming part of thenational pantheon with a sanctuary at Memphis.According to legend, when Neith emerged fromthe primeval ocean to create the world, she followedthe course of the Nile down toward the sea

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