Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Nebethetpet 215took pity on him and changed him into the flowerof the same name. In Roman religion he becomesNarcissus.Nataraja (lord of the dance)Form of the god ŠIVA. Hindu (Puranic). Emergingfrom AD 1200 onward, this form depicts Šiva as“lord of the dance” ringed by fire and with one footon a demon in the form of a black dwarf. Natarajaarguably epitomizes the moving power in the cosmos.Largely seen in southern Indian bronzeswhich display the dance-form anandatandava.NathaTutelary god. Buddhist [Sri Lanka]. One offour local emanations of the BODHISATTVAAVALOKITESVARA.Nayenezgani (slayer of alien gods)<strong>God</strong> of war. Navaho [USA]. The most powerfulof the Navaho war gods. The son of the sungod TSOHANOAI and the fertility goddessESTSANATLEHI. According to tradition, he vanquisheda race of giants who had nearly destroyedthe human race. He is a benevolent god, ready tohelp mankind in times of trouble. He also curesdiseases brought about through witchcraft. Saidto live at the junction of two rivers in theSan Juan valley, he is invoked by warriors preparingfor battle. His priest wears a buckskin bagmask, painted black and adorned with five zigzaglightning streaks, the eye and mouth holescovered with white sea shells. He also wears afox skin collar, a crimson cloth around the hipsand a leather belt with silver ornamentation, butis otherwise naked. No depictions are made ofthis deity.NaunetPrimordial goddess. Egyptian. One of the eightdeities of the OGDOAD representing chaos, she iscoupled with the god NUN and appears in anthropomorphicform but with the head of a snake.The pair epitomize the primordial abyss. She isalso depicted greeting the rising sun in the guiseof a baboon.NdaulaPlague god. Bunyoro [Uganda, East Africa]. Particularlyassociated with smallpox. His shrines areusually situated on the edge of a community andon the frontiers of the tribal land so that he maybe invoked to keep the disease in neighboringterritory.Navadurga(s)Generic title of a group of deities. Hindu. Thenine forms of the god DURGA. The commonvehicle is a chariot shaped like a lotus. Each carriesa wide assortment of attributes.NdjambiSky god. Herero [Namibia, southwest Africa]. Abenevolent deity who protects and lifts up all whodie natural deaths. The utterance of his name isgenerally forbidden.Navasakti(s)Generic title of a group of goddesses. Hindu.The nine MATARAS or mothers. In southern Indiathey are considered virgin goddesses and are heldin higher esteem that the comparable group ofSAPTAMATARAS.NebethetpetLocal primordial goddess. Egyptian. She wasworshiped in Heliopolis and is a female counterpartto the sun god ATUM in creation mythology.Specifically she is the hand with which he graspedhis penis to self-create the cosmos.

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