Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Nara 213honor. He was considered to light up the night, tomeasure time and to provide fertility. He isdepicted as traveling in a carriage across the skybringing light to the darkness.Nanna (2)Vegetation goddess. Nordic (Icelandic). The consortof Balder. According to some legends shedied of a broken heart after BALDER was slain byHODER and went with him to HEL.See also HODER.frequently holds a pole surmounted by a dove-cote.In addition she carries the cornucopia of a fertilityor mother goddess, but is also a domestic guardiandeity and is often depicted with ravens, which maysuggest further links with the underworld.NapaeaeAnimistic spirits of valleys. Greco-Roman.Female personalities assigned the guardianshipof fertile green valleys by the great gods andinvoked locally in small country shrines.Na’nqa-ka’leGuardian spirit. Koryak [southeastern Siberia].He is one of the sons of QUIKINNA’QU and,according to tradition, sits in one place all thetime painting his belly. He is, nonetheless, perceivedas a strong and heroic figure.Nanše<strong>God</strong>dess of justice. Mesopotamian (Sumerian). Adaughter of ENKI (or EA), she is linked with theinterpretation of dreams. Mentioned sporadicallyin texts and most closely identified with the cityof Lagaš with a cult center at Sirara, but also thesubject of a highly ethical hymn from Nippur.Also Naš, Nina.Nan-Sgrub (the black one)<strong>God</strong>. Buddhist [Tibet]. Possibly a counterpart ofthe Hindu god KALA. In Lamaism he is a form ofYAMA. He stands upon a man. Color: dark blue.Attributes: cup and knife.Nantosuelta (winding river)<strong>God</strong>dess of water. Celtic (Gallic). Identified asa possible consort of the god SUCELLOS. SheNapirMoon god. Elamite [Iran]. Known from inscriptions.Nappatecuhtli (four-times lord)Minor god of mat-makers. Aztec (classicalMesoamerican) [Mexico]. One of the group ofdeities belonging to the TLALOC complex generallyassociated with rain, agriculture and fertility.NappinnaiLocal goddess. Hindu-Dravidian (Tamil). Consortof KRSNA. Mentioned in the Vaisnavite andSaivite literature, the Krsna-Nappinnai cult wasprominent in Tamil-speaking areas of southernIndia in the seventh to ninth centuries. Accordingto tradition Krsna wed Nappinnai after a bullbaitingcontest during which he took on anddefeated seven bulls. Nappinnai may be a localizedform of Sri-Laksmi. Also Pinnai.Nara (man)Minor incarnation(s) of the god VIŠNU. Hindu(Epic and Puranic). Some authorities place theseas separate avataras, but they are usually linked.

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