Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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NAMMU 211fresh waters by the great gods, and invokedlocally at sacred pools and springs. They werealso regarded as minor patrons of music andpoetry.Naigameya<strong>God</strong>. Hindu. Either the son or the brother of thegod SKANDA. Generally depicted with the head ofa goat.Na’ininenCreator being. Koryak [southeastern Siberia].Known as “outer one,” or “world,” he is perceivedas a remote but benevolent spirit comparable tothe Supreme Being, TA’YAN. Also Na’rninen(Chukchee).Nai-No-KamiEarthquake god. Shinto [Japan]. One of the RAI-JIN deities responsible for thunder, storms andrain. His worship began in AD 599.NainuemaCreator god. Uitoto Indian [South America]. Hecreated the earth from his own imagination andstamped upon it until it was flat. He then engenderedthe forests and other living things from hissaliva.Nairamata (no soul)<strong>God</strong>dess. Buddhist (Mahayana). An emanation ofAKSOBHYA. A SAKTI of HERUKA and a personificationof knowledge. She bears five or six arms indifferent gestures and often stands upon a corpse.Color: blue or black. Attributes: arrows, club, cupand knife. Three-eyed.Naksatra(s)Generic title for a group of astral goddesses.Hindu. Stars or constellations which became personifiedas deities, accounted as twenty-sevendaughters of DAKSA and consorts of CANDRA orSOMA. They can exert benign or evil influence.Namasangiti (the chanting of the name)<strong>God</strong>. Buddhist. A form of AVALOKITESVARA, butalso a distinct emanation of VAIROCANA. Thepersonification of a sacred text. He stands upon alotus. Color: white. Attributes: club, lotus, sword,half-staff and waterjar.NAMMUORIGIN Mesopotamian (Sumerian and Babylonian-Akkadian)[Iraq]. Chthonic creator andbirth goddess.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 4000 BC untilcirca 1750 BC.SYNONYMS none.CENTER(S) OF WORSHIP mainly identified with Ur.ART REFERENCES stele of Ur-Nammu (circa2050-1950 BC), etc.LITERARY SOURCES creation epics, including Enkiand the World Order; Sumerian and Akkadiantemple hymns and poems.Nammu is identified in various texts as the goddessof the watery deeps. As a consort of AN sheis the mother of ENKI and the power of theriverbed to produce water. Alternatively Nammuis the progenitrix of An and KI, the archetypaldeities of heaven and earth. She also engenderedother early gods and in one poem is the mother ofall mortal life. She molded clay collected by creaturescalled sig-en-sig-du and brought it to life,thus creating mankind. She is attended by sevenminor goddesses and may ultimately have becomesyncretized with NINHURSAG˜ A.

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