Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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210 Na’chitna’irginconsidered a god of mountain regions, describedas the “firstborn son of Marduk” and his image isclosely involved in the New Year akitu festival.Also NEBO (Vetus Testamentum).Na’chitna’irgin (genuine dawn)Spirit of the dawn. Chukchee [eastern Siberia].One of four beings responsible for the differentdirections of the dawn. The brother ofWU’SQUUS, spirit of darkness.See also TNE’SGAN, MRATNA’IRGIN and LIET-NA’IRGIN.NachundeSun god. Elamite [Iran].Nagakumara<strong>God</strong>. Jain [India]. One of the groups under thegeneral title of BHAVANAVASI (dwelling in places).They have a youthful appearance and are associatedwith rain and thunder.NagarajaSnake god. Hindu. The generic title of a deityequating with the terms mahoraga (great serpent)or nagadeva. Such deities were worshiped in Indiaas early as the Indus Valley civilization (prior to1700 BC).Nagini<strong>God</strong>dess. Jain [India]. The counterpart of theHindu goddess MANASA.nagual generally takes the form of an animal andit may be adopted either by a mortal being or byanother deity.NahiGuardian god. Pre-Islamic northern Arabian.Generally of benevolent nature.Nahui EhecatlMinor water god. Aztec (classical mesoamerican)[Mexico]. One of the group of deities belongingto the TLALOC complex. Also (4)Ehecatl.Nahui Ollin (earthquake sun)Creator god. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. According to most of the codices, atthe time of the Spanish conquest there had beenfour previous world ages, each represented by asun and terminated by a cataclysm. Ollin, the fifthsun, was created at Teotihuacan and at the conquestwas just under 2,000 years old. It is presidedover by the god TONATIUH. Each creation is consideredto last 2028 x 52 terrestrial years and thepresent one is destined to be destroyed by a greatearthquake. Tradition has it that Ollin was originallya sickly or humble deity named NANAHUATL(the diseased one). Also (4)Ollin; Ollintonatiuh.Nai<strong>God</strong> of the ocean. Gan [Accra, Ghana, WestAfrica]. The second-in-command to the supremegod ATAA NAA NYONGMO. His eldest daughter isthe goddess ASHIAKLE.NagualTutelary deity. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. A generic name for a personal god. ANaiadesAnimistic water spirits. Greco-Roman. Femalepersonalities assigned the guardianship of

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