Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Mujaji 205sister ANAT, who slays Mot, then cleaves, winnows,burns and grinds him with a millstone, in whatappears to be a ritual allied to the sowing of seedand harvesting (see OSIRIS). Baal is later restored.The conflict probably formed the basis of anannual ritual drama at the Canaanite New Yearwhich was held in the autumn. In the texts Mot isthe son of Il and his mother is AŠERAH (ATHIRAT).Moyocoyani (maker of himself)Minor god of universal power. Aztec (classicalMesoamerican) [Mexico]. One of the group ofdeities known as the TEZCATLIPOCA complex.Mratna’irgin (right-hand dawn)Spirit of the dawn. Chukchee [eastern Siberia].One of four beings responsible for the dawn indifferent directions.See also TNE’SGAN, LIETNA’IRGIN and NA’CHIT-NA’IRGIN.Mrgasiras (head of a gazelle)Minor goddess of fortune. Hindu (Epic andPuranic). A benevolent NAKSATRA; daughter ofDAKSA, wife of CANDRA (SOMA).Mu Gong<strong>God</strong> of immortality. Taoist (Chinese). The personificationof the principle of Yang and the consort ofXi-Wang-Mu. He lives in the east, she in the west.See also HSI WANG MU.MuatiObscure local god. Mesopotamian (Sumerian).Associated in some texts with the mythical islandparadise of Dilmun, he becomes syncretizedwith NABU.dMu-bDud Kam-Po Sa-ZanSky god. Bon [Tibet]. The head of the ancientpantheon in the Bon religion.MucalindaTutelary god. Buddhist. The guardian of a lakenear Bodh Gaya. He is identified as a king of thenagas or snake gods and is said to have protectedthe BUDDHA from a storm by coiling around him.MugasaSky god. Pigmy [central Africa]. Originally heheaded a paradise land in which the first humanbeings lived. They disobeyed him, however, byentering his hut where he resided unseen, afterwhich he left them and made them mortal. He isnot worshiped in any conventional sense. AlsoMugu.MugiziLake god. Bunyoro [Uganda, East Africa]. Theguardian deity of Lake Albert, invoked with offeringsby those wishing to cross the lake in boats.Muhingo<strong>God</strong> of war. Bunyoro [Uganda, East Africa].Invoked specifically by warriors before enteringbattle.MujajiRain goddess. Lovedu [South Africa]. She is said toreside in the northern Drakensberg Mountains andsends both destructive tempests and gentle generativerain. In past times she was propitiated withsacrifices of cattle and occasionally young girls. Sheis represented by a lineage of mortal queens onwhose fabulous reputation the author Rider Haggardbased the novel She. Also Modjadji.

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