Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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MORRIGAN 203numerous smaller sanctuaries throughout Kafirregion.ART REFERENCES wooden sculptures.LITERARY SOURCES Robertson G.S. The Kafirs ofthe Hindukush (1896), Morgenstierne G. SomeKati Myths and Hymns (1951).Mon is a senior deity in the Kafir pantheon whochallenges and defends mankind against demonsand giants. He is the first offspring of the creatorgod Imra. He is also a weather god who controlsclouds and mist. Mon is perceived as a deity ofvast size and vigor who creates glaciers with hisfootprints. He is also a god of flowing water.Some legends place him as a creator of mankindand law-giver, but only mirroring the actions ofthe supreme creator IMRA. He appears as a mediatorbetween heaven and earth.Mon is depicted, in wood, either in human formcarrying a golden bow and quiver made by hisbrother Kshibere, or as a humped bull. Alternativelyhe is represented by a standing stone slabwith two attendant smaller stones.According to legend, when the giants locked upthe sun and moon in a gold house, Mon turnedhimself into a child and in this guise was protectedby a giantess mother. After many attemptsto break into the house, he succeeded, restoredthe sun and moon to their place in the heavensand assisted Imra in the creation of mankind.MonetaMinor goddess of prosperity. Roman. The spiritof the mint, known particularly from the secondcentury BC.MontuLocal god of war. Egyptian. Worshiped in andaround the district of Thebes in Upper Egypt.He is known from circa 2000 BC and possiblyearlier, but came to special prominence overseeingthe aggressive posture of Theban kings fromthe XI to XVIII Dynasty (2133-1320 BC). Montuis depicted in human form but with a falcon’shead surmounted by twin plumes, a sun disc andthe uraeus (cobra). At some stage, probably asMonth (Greek), he became identified with asacred bull, Buchis.MorSun goddess. Celtic (Irish). The progenitrix ofthe royal lineage of the kings of Munster.MorpheusMinor god of dreams. Greek. The son of HYPNOS,there is no record of worship of this deity.MORRIGAN (queen of demons)ORIGIN Celtic (Irish). War, fertility and vegetationgoddess.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP from prehistoricorigins until Christianization (circa AD 400).SYNONYMS MACHA (Ulster); Medb or MAEVE(Connaught); Etain Echraide (Tara); alsoprobably Badb Catha; ERIU; Fodla; Nemain;RHIANNON.CENTER(S) OF CULT various sanctuaries throughoutIreland.ART REFERENCES inscriptions and carvings onRomano-Celtic altars, stone pillars, etc.LITERARY SOURCES Books of Invasions; Cycles ofKings.A complex goddess displaying various characteristicswhich are both generative and destructive (seealso ANAT, INANA, IŠTAR, ATHENE). At the festivalof Samain, she mates with the DAGDA to ensurethe future prosperity of the land and as QueenMaeve (Medb) of Connaught she was ritually

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