Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Moccus 201MitiMaternal spirit. Koryak [southeastern Siberia].The consort of QUIKINNA’QU. According to traditionher father is twilight man, Gi’thililan, whodeserted her when she was very young. She isregarded as the mother of the Koryak people,whose immediate sons and daughters areEME’MQUT, NA’NQA-KA’LE, YINE’ANE’UT andCana’ina’ut.Mi-Toshi-No-Kami (the august harvestkami)Agricultural god. Shinto [Japan]. The offspring ofO-TOSHI-NO-KAMI, the harvest god of rice, andKagayo-Hime (refulgent princess), he is in chargeof crops other than rice.to tradition, the sun god TEZCATLIPOCA transformedhimself into MIXCOATL-CAMAXTLI tomake fire by twirling the sacred fire sticks.Mizu-Ha-No-MeWater goddess. Shinto [Japan]. The senior waterdeity who was engendered from the urine of theprimordial creator goddess Izanami during herfatal illness, having been burned producing thefire god HI-NO-KAGU-TSUCHI.MkulumncandiCreator god. Swazi [Swaziland, South Africa].There is no worship of this deity, though he isknown as the “great first one.”Mitra (friend)Minor sun god. Hindu (Vedic and Puranic). AnAditya, one of six descendants of ADITI, he wasoriginally associated with VARUNA (Vedic),ruling the day while Varuna ruled the night. Itis from this model that first MITHRA (Persian)and then MITHRAS (Roman) were derived. Heis also the god of intimate friendship. Attributes:two lotuses, trident and a sacrificial drinkor soma.Mi-Wi-No-Kami<strong>God</strong> of wells. Shinto [Japan]. One of three deitiesresponsible for wells, worshiped jointly in the Mi-Wi-Jinja shrine. He is particularly the god ofdomestic wells.Mlentengamunye (one leg)Messenger god. Swazi [Swaziland, South Africa].The intermediary between mankind and thecreator god MKULUMNCANDI.Mlk-AmuklosHeroic god. Western Semitic [Syrio-Palestine]and Cyprus. Known from inscriptions circa 1100BC and possibly one of the original pre-Hellenicmodels from which APOLLO was derived.Mnemosyne<strong>God</strong>dess of memory. Greek. A consort of ZEUSand mother of the legendary nine Muses ofHelicon.Mixcoatl-Camaxtli (cloud serpent)<strong>God</strong> of war. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican) [Mexico].Also a deity of hunting and fire who receivedhuman sacrifice of captured prisoners. AccordingMoccusLocal swine god. Romano-Celtic (ContinentalEuropean). Assimilated with Mercury.See also MERCURIUS.

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