Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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194 MayinMayinSupreme god. Tungus [eastern and centralSiberia]. A benevolent but remote deity whobreathes life into newborn children and receivesthe spirits of the dead.Mayon (the black one)Creator god. Early Dravidian (Tamil) [southernIndia and Sri Lanka]. Animistic high god of thepastoral regions, found in Sangam literature andthought to reside in trees. Perhaps equating withVIŠNU or KRSNA.invoked at sunrise each morning. The creator godof all black people, said to reside in black waters.MbotumboCreator god. Baule [Ivory Coast, West Africa]. Agenerally benevolent guardian deity with the headof an ape.Medeine (of the trees)Woodland goddess. Pre-Christian Latvian.Known from medieval manuscripts.Ma-zuSea goddess. Chinese. Known from the coastalregions of southeastern China as a benevolentguardian of fishermen, and closely linked withthe goddess KUAN YIN.MbombaCreator god. Mongo and Nkundo [DemocraticRepublic of Congo, central Africa]. He operatesthrough intermediaries known as bilimaand through the spirits of the dead, bakali. Alsoknown as landa, Komba, Mbombo, Njakombaand WAI. Among the Ngbandi people there isrecognized a vast water monster or river god bythe same name.MbombeMother goddess. Nkundo [Democratic Republicof Congo, central Africa]. The consort of ITONDEand mother of the hero LIANJA.MbongoRiver god. Ngbandi [Democratic Republic ofCongo, central Africa]. One of seven deitiesMedha (wisdom)Minor goddess. Buddist (Mahayana). The SAKTIof Sridhara.Meditrina<strong>God</strong>dess of healing. Roman. Syncretized into thecult of AESCULAPIUS.Meghanada (cloud roar)Minor god. Hindu. A son of Ravana who oncebriefly bested INDRA and became known as the“Indra-conqueror.”MehenMinor chthonic underworld god. Egyptian. Theguardian of the barque of the sun god RE duringits passage through the underworld at night.Depicted in the form of a coiled snake.MeherSun god. Pre-Christian Armenian. Closely linkedwith the Persian model of MITHRA, he is the sonof Aramazd who appears in the form of fire. In

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