Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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MARDUK 189red or yellow. Attributes: chiefly book and sword,but also arrow, blue lotus and bow. May be threeheaded.ManmathaForm of the god of carnal love. Dravidian (Tamil).A local southern Indian form of Kama with similarattributes and genealogy, named in Sangamliterature.Manohel-TohelCreator god. Mayan (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. The deity concerned specificallywith the creation of mankind, giving mortalsbody and soul and leading them from the cavesinto the light.ManuPrimordial creator god. Hindu (Vedic). Theson(s) of SURYA. The name given to the fourteenoriginal progenitors of mankind duringthe mythical or heroic ages. According to tradition,the consort of Manu is Ida, who wasengendered from milk and butter offered toŠIVA as a propitiation.ManungalChthonic underworld god. Mesopotamian(Sumerian and Babylonian-Akkadian). A minordeity, the consort of BIRDU.MaponosTribal deity. Celtic (British and ContinentalEuropean). A youthful god worshiped bythe Brigantes tribe in Britain and probablyassimilated with APOLLO in the Romano-Celticperiod.Mara (the destroyer)1. <strong>God</strong>. Buddhist. An evil deity who puts obstaclesin the way of the BUDDHA. The equal of theHindu god Kama. In Buddhist tradition, theHindu gods INDRA, BRAHMA, VIŠNU and ŠIVA aremaras who become vanquished by various Buddhistdeities. Attributes: fish standard.2. <strong>God</strong>. Hindu. An epithet of KAMA(DEVA).MaramaMoon goddess. Polynesian (Maori). She equateswith the Tahitian goddess HINA, daughter ofTANGAROA. Tradition has it that her body wastesaway with each lunar cycle but is restored whenshe bathes in the sea from which all life springs.MaramalikChthonic underworld god. Kafir [Afghanistan].No details known.MARDUKORIGIN Mesopotamian (Babylonian) [Iraq]. Creatorand national god.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 2000 BC, orearlier, to circa 200 BC.SYNONYMS Lugal-dimmer-an-ki-a (divine king ofheaven and earth); Ašalluhe; Merodach(Hebrew). At least fifty other divine names,according to the Babylonian creation epic.CENTER(S) OF CULT Babylon.ART REFERENCES plaques, votive stelae, glyptics,etc.LITERARY SOURCES cuneiform texts, particularlythe Babylonian creation epic Enuma Eliš.Marduk is the chief deity of Babylonia and tutelarygod of the city of Babylon though perhapsderived, in part, from a Sumerian model. Hisparents are ENKI and DAMGALNUNA or EA and

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