Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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188 Maneshe seems to have enjoyed an association with thegoddess ISIS. Also Merwel (Egyptian).ManesHearth deities. Roman. Technically souls separatedfrom the body, these objects of ancestorworship became classed as guardian divinities inRoman households. Celebrated in the feast ofParentalia. Origin of the title on graves: DisManibus.Mangala (auspicious)1. Astral god. Hindu. Personification of theplanet MARS. Depicted by a chariot drawn byeight red fire-horses. According to some authorsMangala is a form of the god ŠIVA in his cruelaspect. Attributes: club and lotus. Three-eyed.2. <strong>God</strong>dess. A form of PARVATI. She rides upon alion and may bear up to ten arms, carrying arrow,mirror, moon disc, rosary, shield and sword.Three-eyed.ManiMoon god. Germanic and Nordic (Icelandic). Heguides the chariot of the moon through the nightsky and is involved in the downfall of the world atRagnarok.Manidhara (holding a gem)Minor god. Buddhist (Mahayana). An attendantof SADAKSARI. Attributes: jewel and lotus.ManitoCreator being. Ojibwa [Canada]. One of a numberof very powerful beings all identified by thesame title. These deities include the four winds,the thunderbirds, the underwater manitos andthe heroic god NANABOZHO. They are theultimate source of existence and are essential tothe continuance of life. It is necessary formankind to maintain close communication withthem.ManituCreator god. Algonquin Indian [USA]. A vaguelydefined being who controls all things and impartsknowledge to the tribe. He may be identified asthe great spirit in the sky. Probably similar toMANITO.Manjughosa (sweet sounding)<strong>God</strong>. Buddhist. Form of the god MANJUSRI andan emanation of AKSOBHYA. Attended by a lion.Color: white or gold. Attributes: arrow, bell, bluelotus, book, bow, image of Aksobhya, staff andsword.MANJUSRI (pleasing splendor)ORIGIN Buddhist [India]. Bodhisattva or buddhadesignate,also god of wisdom.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 500 BC untilpresent.SYNONYMS large number of forms.CENTER(S) OF CULT pan-AsiaticART REFERENCES metal and stone sculptures,paintings.LITERARY SOURCES Sadhanamala and Tantricritual texts.An important and popular deity throughout allsects of Buddhism. He is the son of eitherAMITABHA or AKSOBHYA and is closely linked withthe goddess PRAJNAPARAMITA who is seen as thepersonification of a holy text which MANJUSRIhabitually carries, the pustaka. His attendant animalis the tiger or the lion. Color: black, white,

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