Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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186 Malamangangaifoseveral generations of supernatural beings whosedescendants engendered mankind.Malamangangaifo (light westward)Creator being. Polynesian.See also MALAMANGANGA’E.Malhal MataMother goddess. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). Oneof seven SAKTIS who in later Hinduism becameregarded as SAPTAMATARAS (mothers) of evilintent. Particularly known in Bengal as a bringerof disease.Malik (king)Tutelary god. Pre-Islamic northern Arabian.Known from inscriptions.Mam<strong>God</strong> of evil. Mayan (Yucatec, classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. A much-feared deity who livesbeneath the earth and only emerges in times ofcrisis. Depicted in the form of a flat, life-sizedpiece of wood dressed as a scarecrow and set upona stool. He is offered food and drink duringUayeb, the period of five unlucky days at the endof the year, after which the figure is undressed andunceremoniously thrown away. During Uayebdevotees fast and refer to the god as “grandfather.”MamaSee MAMI.Mama Qoca (mother sea)<strong>God</strong>dess of the ocean. Inca (pre-ColumbianSouth America) [Peru, etc]. Originally a pre-Incagoddess of coastal regions who retained her influenceunder Inca rule. Invoked by all Indians whogain their livelihood from the sea. Today probablysyncretized largely with the Christian VirginMary. Also Mama Cocha.Mamaki (greedy)<strong>God</strong>dess. Buddhist. The SAKTI of RATNASAMBHAVAor AKSOBHYA. Also a BODHISATTVA or future buddha,originating from the blue mantra MAM.Color: yellow or blue. Attributes: cup, flowers,jewel, knife and staff.Mama-Kilya (mother moon)Moon goddess. Inca (pre-Columbian SouthAmerica) [Peru, etc]. The consort of the sun godINTI, she is important in the calculation of timeand regulating the Inca festival calendar. TheIndians consider that an eclipse of the moon is atime of great danger, caused by a mountain lion orsnake eating the moon, and perform a ritual makingas much noise as possible to frighten the predatoroff.MamiMother goddess. Mesopotamian (Sumerian andBabylonian-Akkadian). Identified in the Atrahasistexts and other creation legends and probablysynonymous with NINHURSAG˜ A. She was involvedin the creation of mankind from clay and blood.The name almost certainly came into use becauseit is the first word that a child formulates. AlsoMama; Mammitum.Mamitu<strong>God</strong>dess of oaths and treaties. Mesopotamian(Babylonian-Akkadian). One of the consorts ofNERGAL and subsequently identified as a chthonicunderworld deity. Also Mammetu.

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