Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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182 MahakalaMahakala (the great death)1. <strong>God</strong>. Hindu (Puranic). A violent aspect of ŠIVA.His SAKTI is Mahakah. Rides upon a lion. Color:black. Attributes: five arrows, ax, Brahma-egg, club,cup, rosary of skulls, staff and trident. Three-eyed.Also considered to be a form of the god BHAIRAVAin which context he is a guardian of the faith.2. Guardian god of tents and science. Buddhist-Lamaist [Tibet]. Derived from the Hindu godŠiva and an emanation of the five DHYANIBUD-DHAS. Also one of a group of DHARMAPALAS withterrible appearance and royal attire. A deity ofriches. He treads on the god Vinayaka, or on aman, a corpse, or on two elephant-headed men.Color: black, blue or white. Attributes: mainlyelephant skin, prayer wheel and trident, but mayhold various other objects.Mahakali1. <strong>God</strong>dess of learning. Jain [India]. One of sixteenVIDYADEVI headed by the goddess SARASVATI.2. Form of the goddess KALI. Hindu. Also aSAKTI of MAHAKALA. Attributes: conch, cup,headdress, hook, knife, noose, rosary of skulls,staff, sword, waterjar and wheel.to be personifications of amulets or mantras. Alsoan emanation of the DHYANIBUDDHA RATNASAMB-HAVA, alternatively of AKSOBHYA. She is a guardianof the west, south and eastern quarters according toseparate traditions. Color: blue, black, green, whiteor red. Attributes: most commonly noose and staff.From four to twelve arms; may be three-headed.MahamatarasGroup of goddesses. Hindu. Personifications ofthe SAKTI of the god ŠIVA.Mahamayuri (great daughter of the peacock)<strong>God</strong>dess. Buddhist (Mahayana). An extremelypopular deity and an emanation of AMOGHASID-DHI. A female BODHISATTVA or buddha-designate.Also one of a group of five MAHARAKSAS (protectresses)who are thought to be personifications ofamulets or mantras. Color: green, red or yellow.Attributes: alms bowl, arrow, banner, bow, flywhisk, image of Amoghasiddhi on crown, jewel,mendicant, peacock feather, prayer wheel, swordand water jar. Three-eyed and may occasionallyappear three- or four-headed.Mahakapi (great ape)<strong>God</strong>. Buddhist. Epithet of the BUDDHA in a previousincarnation, appearing as an ape.Mahamanasika (great-minded)<strong>God</strong>dess of learning. Jain [India]. One of sixteenVIDYADEVI headed by the goddess SARASVATI.Mahamantranusarini (following the greatsacred text)Guardian goddess. Buddhist. One of a group offive MAHARAKSAS (protectresses) who are thoughtMahanagaSnake god. Hindu. A group of seven deities identicalwith a group of seven nagadevas.Mahapadma (great lotus)Snake god. Hindu. Attributes: rosary and waterjar.Three-eyed.Mahaparinirvanamurti<strong>God</strong>. Buddhist. The depiction of the BUDDHAlying in nirvana (paradise).

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