Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Liu Pei 175regarded as being generally benevolent. AlsoIbanza.LiberChthonic fertility god. Italic. Originally associatedwith husbandry and crops but then assimilatedwith DIONYSOS. The consort of CERES andfather of the goddess LIBERA. His festival, theLiberalia, was on March 17 when young mencelebrated the arrival of manhood.LiberaChthonic goddess. Italic. The daughter of LIBERand CERES.LiberalitasMinor god. Roman. Spirit of generosity, employedas a propaganda vehicle by the emperors. Worshipedparticularly from the second century BC.LibertasMinor god(dess). Roman. Deity of constitutionalgovernment and the notion of freedom, knownparticularly from the second century BC. Attributesinclude the scepter, lance and a special hat,the pileus, which emancipated slaves were permittedto wear as a sign of their liberation.LíbitinaChthonic goddess of death. Roman. Associatedwith funerals and interment.Lietna’irgin (genuine dawn)Spirit of the dawn. Chukchee [eastern Siberia].One of four beings concerned with the dawn indifferent directions.See also TNE’SGAN, MRATNA’IRGIN and NA’-CHITNA’IRGIN.Lilith<strong>God</strong>dess of desolation. Mesopotamian (Sumerian).She is perceived as a demonic figure who, inthe epic legend of Gilgameš and the Huluppu Treetakes up residence in INANA’S holy tree growingon the banks of the Euphrates in Unug. Whenthe hero Gilgameš attacks Lilith she escapes intothe desert wastes.LiluriMountain goddess. Western Semitic (Syrian).The consort of the weather god Manuzi, hersacred animal is the bull.LingaSymbol representing a god. Hindu. The phallicform of ŠIVA.Lir<strong>God</strong>. Celtic (Irish). The father of the sea godMANANNAN, the consort of Aobh and later of hersister Aoife. He had four children by Aobh: AED,Conn, Fiachra and Fionnuala. Out of jealousyAoife turned the four into swans and set fatherand children against one another.LisaCreator god. Fon and others [Benin, WestAfrica]. Probably the equivalent of LESA in partsof East Africa. The supreme deity, whose more orless monotheistic role may have been influencedby the spread of Islam and Christianity.Liu Pei<strong>God</strong>. Taoist (Chinese). The third member of atrio of deities with KUAN TI and CHANG FEI. Heis the embodiment of the imperial ideal and he

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