Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Adibuddha 3Acchupta (untouched)<strong>God</strong>dess of learning. Jain [India]. One of sixteenVIDYADEVI headed by the goddess SARASVATI.Acolmiztli (shoulder-lion)Minor chthonic underworld god. Aztec (classicalMesoamerican) [Mexico]. One of the deitiescollectively classed as the MICTLANTECUHTLIcomplex.AcolnahuacatlMinor chthonic underworld god. Aztec (classicalMesoamerican) [Mexico]. One of the deitiescollectively classed as the MICTLANTECUHTLIcomplex.ADAD (wind)ORIGIN Mesopotamian (Babylonian-Akkadian).Weather god.KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP circa 1900 BC orearlier to circa 200 BC.SYNONYMS Ramman (thunder); IŠKUR (Sumerian).CENTER(S) OF CULT Karakara and at Aleppo andMari [Syria].ART REFERENCES reliefs, stelae, glyptics, etc.LITERARY SOURCES cuneiform texts includingAtrahasis, inscriptions.Adad is derived from the older (Sumerian)model of Iškur. At Mari [Syria] he enjoyed amajor cult following. Occasionally the subjectof a sacred marriage ceremony in parts ofMesopotamia and Syria. His father is thesupreme sky god ANU. He is described as abenevolent giver of life in the fields but is also amore violent storm god. His name in Akkadiancuneiform means “wind.” His animal is the bull.In human form he is depicted wearing hornedheaddress and tiered skirt or robe decorated withastral symbolism. He may carry a scimitarembellished with a single panther head and hissymbol is the lightning fork often fixed upon apair of pincers.See also HADAD [Syrian].AdamasPrimordial creator being. Gnostic Christian(Nassene). Recognized locally in Phrygia [northwesternTurkey] as an androgynous force in thecosmos.Adeona<strong>God</strong>dess of passage. Roman. See ABEONA.AdhimukticaryaMinor goddess. Buddhist (Vajrayana). One oftwelve deified BHUMIS recognized as differentspiritual spheres through which a disciple passes.Color: red. Attributes: red lotus and staff.Adhimuktivasita (control of confidence)Minor goddess. Buddhist. One of a group oftwelve VASITAS or goddesses personifying the disciplinesof spiritual regeneration. Color: white.Attribute: flower bud.Adibuddha (the primeval buddha)The original BUDDHA. Buddhist. The primordialforce in the cosmos from whom the fiveDHYANIBUDDHAS arose. The embodiment of theconcept of emptiness. He is considered by someauthorities to be identical with Vaharaja andVajrasattva. His image, sitting on a lotus leaf, isoften carried by other Buddhist deities. Epithetsinclude Svabhava (self-creating), Svayambhu(self-enlightened).

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