Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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6 LLachesis<strong>God</strong>dess of lot-casting. Pre-Homeric Greek.According to Hesiod one of the daughters ofZEUS and THEMIS. One of an ancient trioof MOIRAI with KLOTHO and ATROPOS, she sustainsthe thread of life and is depicted carryinga scroll.Lahar<strong>God</strong> of cattle. Mesopotamian (Sumerian).According to legend, he was sent to earth by thegods ENLIL and ENKI, to work in conjunctionwith the grain goddess AŠNAN. In iconographyhe usually has ears of corn sprouting from hisshoulders. He may also carry a bow and club andis often depicted with a ram at his feet.LactanusMinor god of agriculture. Roman. Said to makethe crops “yield milk” or thrive.Laghusyamala (lightly dark colored)Minor goddess. Hindu (Puranic). Attributes: luteand wine glass.LahmuPrimordial deity. Mesopotamian (Babylonian-Akkadian). Known from the Babylonian creationepic Enuma Eliš as one of a pair who were createdby TIAMAT from the primeval ocean and who, itis suggested, were represented by the silt of thesea-bed. Lahmu and LAHAMU in turn createdANŠAR and KIŠAR, who created ANU.LahamuPrimordial deity. Mesopotamian (Babylonian-Akkadian). Known from the Babyloniancreation epic Enuma Eliš as one of a pair whowere created by TIAMAT from the primevalocean and who, it is suggested, were representedby the silt of the sea-bed. Lahamu andLAHMU in turn created ANŠAR and KIŠAR, whocreated ANU.Laima<strong>God</strong>dess of fate. Pre-Christian Latvian. Particularlyconcerned with guarding women at childbirth,and with the newborn. Regarded as ahousehold goddess of prosperity and good fortune.Laka<strong>God</strong>dess of dancing. Polynesian [Hawaii]. Aminor deity who is nonetheless greatly revered by170

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