Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Kun-Rig 167Kulika (of good family)Snake god. Hindu. One of a group of sevenMAHANAGAS. Attributes: rosary and water jar.Three-eyed.form the earth. He added animals and plants, butfinally became tired and went to sleep in a hole atthe bottom of the lake, which he dug using a hillas a shovel.Kulisankusa (having an ax and a goad)<strong>God</strong>dess of learning. Jain [India]. One of sixteenVIDYADEVI headed by the goddess SARASVATI.Kulisesvari (lady of the ax)<strong>God</strong>dess. Buddhist (Mahayana). <strong>Of</strong>ten depictedwith a corpse. Color: white. Attribute: a staff.Kulla<strong>God</strong> of builders. Mesopotamian (Sumerian andBabylonian-Akkadian). The god responsible forthe creation of bricks.Kumari (virgin)<strong>God</strong>dess. Hindu. Generally recognized to be anepithet of DURGA. Worshiped at a famous templeon the southernmost tip of India at CapeComorin. Also known in Nepal, where asmall girl provides an earthly incarnation ofthe goddess.KumarbiCreator god. Hittite and Hurrian. An antiquedeity who was usurped by more “modern” gods.He is the father of Ullikummi in Hittite legend.KumokumsCreator god. Modoc Indian [Oregon, USA]. Hesat beside Tule Lake, which was all that existed,and created the world by scooping out mud toKunado-No-KamiGuardian deity. Shinto [Japan]. One of threeKAMIS particularly concerned with the protectionof roads and crossroads. They also guardthe boundaries of the house and the ways leadingto it. They may be known as Yakushindeities who protect against plague. Generallyidentified as MICHI-NO-KAMI or Chiburi-No-Kami.KundaliniMother goddess. Aztec (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. The spirit of the earth perceived inhuman form and responsible for the provision ofall food from the soil. The earth is considered tobe sacred and should not be owned by any oneperson, but can be utilized for the benefit of thecommunity as a whole. Kundalini is believed tohave been the mother of all other vegetationdeities.Ku’nkunxuligaTribal god. Ma’malelegale Indian [British Columbia,Canada]. The personification of the thunderbird,known to many Indian tribes, who livesin a palace in the upper world. The noise of thethunder is the beating of its wings.Kun-Rig (knowing all)<strong>God</strong>. Buddhist [Tibet]. Four-headed form ofVAIROCANA. Attribute: prayer wheel.

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