Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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2 AbnobaAbnobaForest and river goddess. Romano-Celtic (ContinentalEuropean). Known locally from the BlackForest region of Germany. The name “Avon,”associated with many rivers, derives from hername.AbonsamMalevolent spirit. West African. Recognized bytribes in the Gold Coast, etc. Traditionally drivenaway in an annual expulsion ritual by firing gunsand shouting loudly, emptying houses of furnitureand beating the interiors with sticks. The abonsamwas finally driven into the sea. The ritual was precededby four weeks of total silence in the area.AbuMinor vegetation god. Mesopotamian (Sumerian).Said to have sprung from the head of the godENKI, thus symbolizing plants emerging from theearth’s soil.AbundantiaMinor fertility goddess. Roman. The personificationof abundance. She continued in French mythologyafter the Roman occupation, as a lady whoenters houses in the night, bringing prosperity.AbzuPrimordial deity of underground waters, the“deep.” Mesopotamian (Sumerian). His center ofcult is at Eridu (southern Mesopotamia), and hewas replaced in Akkadian times by APSU.Ac Yanto (our helper)<strong>God</strong> of white men. Mayan (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. The brother of the creator godHACHACYUM. Responsible for the creation ofEuropean immigrants, including their possessionsand products.AcacilaAnimistic spirit. Aymara Indian [Peru andBolivia—Titicaca Basin]. One of a group ofvaguely defined beings who control the weather,including rain, hail and frost.Acala (immovable)1. Minor goddess. Buddhist (Vajrayana). One oftwelve deified BHUMIS recognized as differentspiritual spheres through which a disciple passes.Color: white. Attributes: staff on a lotus.2. Tutelary god. Buddhist (Mahayana). Also adikpala or guardian of the northeastern quarter.Color: blue. Attributes: jewel, lotus, staff andsword.Acan<strong>God</strong> of wine. Mayan (Yucatec, classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. Identified with the localbrew, balche, made from fermented honey towhich the bark of the balche tree has been added.Acat<strong>God</strong> of tattooers. Mayan (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico].Acca LarentiaObscure mother goddess. Roman. Believed insome traditions to be the mother of the LARES, butalso the mother of the god HERCULES and theadopted mother of Romulus, the founder of Rome.She was celebrated in the Larentalia festival on 23December, which was also a feast of the dead.

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