Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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162 Klotholightning and the sacred primeval waters. Themoon disc is actually a shield behind which thegod moves invisibly across the night sky. He isnever impersonated or depicted. Also Tlehanoai.Klotho<strong>God</strong>dess of spinning. Pre-Homeric Greek.According to Hesiod, one of the daughters ofZEUS and THEMIS. An ancient deity linked withLACHESIS and ATROPOS as one of a trio of MOIRAIor Fates. She is depicted with a spindle.Kollapura-Mahalaksmi<strong>God</strong>dess. Hindu (Puranic). Six-armed. Attributes:club, shield and wine glass.Kondos<strong>God</strong> of cereal crops. Pre-Christian Finnish. Particularlyidentified with the sowing of wheat.After Christianization, he was absorbed by thefigure of St. Urban.as a woman’s head adorned with ears of corn.She is integral to the Eleusinian Mysteries inwhich she is abducted to Hades, resulting in thedistress of her mother and the blighting ofnature. At Samaria-Sebaste in Syrio-Palestine,Kore was the only deity worshiped, apart fromthe emperor.KorravaiWar goddess. Dravidian (Tamil) [southern Indiaand Sri Lanka]. Worshiped in desert regions insouthern India, thought to live in trees and equatingto DURGA. She has a son, MURUKAN. AlsoKatukilal; Korrawi.KotarBlacksmith god. Western Semitic (Syrian). Identifiedin the Ugaritic (Ras Šamra) texts as buildinga palace for the god BAAL and forging his weaponsfor the conflict against the sea god YAMM. Knownalso from Phoenician inscriptions. Also Košar,Chusor, KINYRAS.Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime-No-KamiMountain goddess. Shinto [Japan]. The deitywho guards the sacred Mount Fuji. A daughterof O-YAMA-TSU-MI and the consort of PrinceNINIGI, her shrine is located on the summitof the mountain. She is also closely associatedwith Mount Asama about 80 kilometers to thenorth.KotisriMother goddess. Buddhist. The so-called “motherof 7,000 buddhas.”Koto-Shiro-Nushi<strong>God</strong> of luck. Shinto [Japan]. Probably syncretizedearly in Shintoism with the god EBISU.Kore (the girl)Youthful goddess of the corn. Greek. The moregeneric name for the goddess PERSEPHONE.Identified as the daughter of DEMETER. She isthe spirit of the corn as distinct from her motherwho is the giver of the corn. Depicted on coinageKouretesForest deities. Greek. Known from Ephesus andother sites as the spirits of trees and streams, theyare also perceived as nymphs who dance in attendanceon the baby ZEUS. The term is also appliedto a bride or young woman.

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