Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Klehanoai 161Ki (the great one)Archetypal chthonic principle. Mesopotamian(Sumerian). According to some traditions, Ki isthe daughter of ANŠAR and KIŠAR and consort ofAN. As the cosmos came into being, An took therole of god of heaven and Ki became the personificationof the earth and underworld. She is themother of the god of the air, ENLIL, with whomshe descended from the heavens. Some authoritiesargue that she was never regarded as a deity.There is no evidence of a cult and the nameappears in a limited number of Sumerian creationtexts. The name URAŠ (tilth) may relate.See also ANTU(M).Probably equating with the Syrian ADONIS. AlsoKinnur.KinyrasLocal god of metalwork. Greek. Known fromCyprus as a magician and smith. Derived from anolder western Asiatic model.See also KOTAR.Kirti (glory)<strong>God</strong>dess. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). The SAKTIof KESAVA. Attribute: waterjar.Kianda<strong>God</strong> of the sea. Kimbundu [Angola, southernAfrica]. Guardian of the Atlantic Ocean andits creatures. Invoked by fishermen who placeofferings on the shore. His presence may besymbolized by a skull.Kibuka<strong>God</strong> of war. Buganda [Uganda, East Africa]. Thebrother of the creator god MUKASA, said to reside onthe island of Sese. According to tradition, he securedvictory in war for the Buganda by taking the form ofa cloud which hovered above their enemies andrained spears and arrows. He apparently enjoyed asuccession of temples in the past which housed thehidden statue of the god and his sacred shield.Kini’ jeSky spirit. Yukaghir (eastern Siberia]. The being incharge of keeping account of time. Also Ki’njen.Kinnar (divine lyre)Musician god. Western Semitic. Mentioned inUgaritic texts and known from Phoenicia.KišarPrimordial god(dess). Mesopotamian (Sumerianand Babylonian-Akkadian). The consort or equalof ANŠAR and mother or creator of AN and KI inthe creation cosmos.Kitanitowit (good creator)Creator god. Algonquin Indian [eastern Canada].The first being who is present everywhere in theuniverse. He is invisible and is represented diagrammaticallyby a point surrounded by a circleon which are marked the four quarters.Kiya’rnarak (I exist)Supreme being. Inuit. An indistinct and remotecharacter, out of touch with ordinary mortals,who created the world.Klehanoai (night-bearer)Moon god. Navaho [USA]. According to tradition,he was created at the same primordial timeas the dawn, from a crystal bordered with whiteshells. His face is said to be covered with sheet

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