Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Khasa 159KebechetChthonic snake goddess. Egyptian. The daughterof ANUBIS who was involved in the cult of thedead as the deity responsible for libations. She isdepicted as a serpent.KekPrimordial god. Egyptian. One of the eightdeities of the OGDOAD representing chaos, he iscoupled with the goddess KAUKET and appears inanthropomorphic form but with the head of afrog. The pair epitomize the primordial darkness.He is also depicted greeting the rising sun in theguise of a baboon.KemošTutelary god. Moabite [Jordan]. Mentioned underthe name of Chemosh in the Vetus Testamentum: 1Kings 11.7. as being one of the gods worshiped bythe Israelite king Solomon. Eventually adoptedby the Greeks and absorbed into the cult of ARES.Kere’tkunSea spirit. Chukchee [eastern Siberia]. The chiefbeing in the ocean depths, known to the maritimeChukchee. His consort is Cinei’nen. Heowns all the creatures of the sea and is said towear a cloak of walrus gut and to be extremelyfierce. He feeds on the bodies of drowned fishermenand is the subject of sacrifice. Also Peruten.Kesava (long-haired)Minor avatara of VIŠNU. Hindu (Epic andPuranic). His SAKTI is KIRTI.Kesini (hairy)<strong>God</strong>dess. Buddhist. An attendant of ARAPACANA.Ketua<strong>God</strong> of fortune. Ngbandi [Democratic Republicof Congo, central Africa]. One of seven deitiesinvoked at daybreak. He controls both good luckand ill-fortune. According to tradition he hasseven children: morning, noon, evening, night,sun, moon and water. He accords to water theprivileges of a firstborn son.KhadirVegetation god. Pre-Islamic north African. Hewanders the earth returning to the same spotonce in every 500 years and is said to havegained his immortality by drinking from thewell of life. Similar in some respects to the Syriangod ADONIS and revered by Alexander theGreat. Normally referred to as Al-Khidr (thegreen one).KhandobaForm of the god ŠIVA. Hindu (late). Khandoba isbelieved to have emerged as a deity with a distinctcultic following no earlier than the thirteenth orfourteenth century, mainly in western India andcentered on Jejuri, near Poona. The god is generallyregarded as one of several martial formswhich Šiva took to combat demons. His consortis the goddess MHALSA, considered to be a formof PARVATI. He is depicted bearing four arms andis usually mounted on a horse, but may also beaccompanied by a dog. Attributes: bowl, drum,sword and trident. Also Makhari; Mallari; Martland.Khasa (itch)Minor goddess. Hindu (Vedic). Daughter ofDAKSA, consort of KASYAPA and a deity controllingspirits of forests.

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