Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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Katajalina 157Kapalini (carrying a cup)Minor goddess. Buddhist (Mahayana). An attendantof BUDDHAKAPALA.Karaikkal AmmaiyarLocal mother goddess. Hindu [southern India].Known from the town of Karikal as a deified asceticwho is depicted with an emaciated form.Attribute: playing cymbals.Karai-Shin<strong>God</strong> of lightning. Buddhist [Japan]. One of thedeities grouped in Shintoism as the RAIJIN gods ofthunder, storm and rain.KariniInferior goddess. Buddhist (Mahayana). An attendantof BUDDHAKAPALA.KarkotaSnake god. Hindu. One of a group of sevenMAHANAGAS. Color: black. Attributes: rosary andwaterjar. Three-eyed.Karmavasita (control of karman)Minor goddess. Buddhist. One of a group oftwelve VASITAS or goddesses personifying thedisciplines of spiritual regeneration—karma(n)is an act, rite or deed originating in the hopeof future recompense. Color: green. Attribute:a staff.Karta<strong>God</strong>dess of destiny. Pre-Christian Latvian.Known only from folk traditions.Karttikeya1. <strong>God</strong>. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). A form ofSKANDA who was reared by the Pleiades stars andis generally represented therefore with six heads.(In Hindu mythology there are only six Pleiades,not the seven recognized in modern astronomy.)His SAKTI is KARTTIKI and his attendant animal isa peacock. Attributes: conch, hook, noose, prayerwheel, shield, spear, staff, sword and wood apple.2. <strong>God</strong>. Buddhist. Equating with the Hindu godSkanda. Color: red. Rides upon a peacock. Attributes:cock, Sakti and staff.KarttikiMother goddess. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). Oneof a group of nine NAVASAKTIS who, in southernIndia, rank higher than the SAPTAMATARAS.KaškuMoon god. Pre-Hittite and Hittite. Known frominscriptions. Also KUŠUH (Hurrian).Kasyapa (deriving from the Sanskrit for“tortoise”)Primordial god. Hindu (Vedic and Puranic). InVedic literature a divine demiurge and father ofmankind, snake demons, DEVAS etc. His namestems, arguably, from the notion of the cosmos asa giant tortoise. He has had thirteen consorts. Inother texts he is the father of the god NARADAwho consorted with one of the daughters ofDAKSA. Also PRAJAPATI.KatajalinaAnimistic spirit. Australian aboriginal. Invoked atthe ceremony of initiation by the Binbinga peopleonce living on the west side of the Gulf ofCarpentaria. Katajalina is reputed to live in an

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