Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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156 Kamo-Wake-IkazuchiKamo-Wake-IkazuchiRain god. Shinto [Japan]. One of many rainKAMIS invoked in Shintoism and included in ageneric grouping of RAIJIN, deities of thunder,storm and rain.Kamrusepa<strong>God</strong>dess of healing. Hittite and Hurrian. Motherof Aruna. Involved in the legend of TELEPINU,the “missing” vegetation fertility god.Kana-Yama-Biko-No-Kami<strong>God</strong> of miners. Shinto [Japan]. Born from thevomit of IZANAMI and worshiped in the Nangu-Jinja and other shrines. His consort is KANA-YAMA-HIME-NO-KAMI. One of the KAMIS of theso-called “metal mountain.”Kana-Yama-Hime-No-Kami<strong>God</strong>dess of miners. Shinto [Japan]. Born fromthe vomit of IZANAMI and worshiped in theNangu-Jinja and other shrines. Her consort isKANA-YAMA-BIKO-NO-KAMI. One of the KAMISof the so-called “metal mountain.”Kane<strong>God</strong> of light. Polynesian [Hawaii]. A sky godcomparable with the more widely known Polynesiandeity ATEA. Considered to be part of a primordialtrinity with KU (stability) and LONO(sound).See also TANE(MAHUTA).KangalogbaPrimordial spirit. Pokot and Suk [Uganda andwestern Kenya, East Africa]. The female spiritpersonified in the dragonfly and also the apotheosisof the sacred river Oubangui. The mother ofthe creator god TORO.Kankala(murti)Minor god. A violent and heavily armed aspectof ŠIVA. Traditionally accompanied in artworksby a skeleton, Kankala takes his place in mythologyas the representation of the deity who slewVIŠNU’S bodyguard VISVAKSENA. This wasprompted by the refusal of Visvaksena to permitŠiva an audience with Višnu. These illustrationswere designed by Saivites as part of a propagandaexercise to demonstrate the superiority ofŠiva over Višnu.Kankar MataMother goddess. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). ASAKTI who in later Hinduism became regarded asa SAPTAMATARA (mother) of evil intent. Knownparticularly from Bengal as a goddess who spreadsdisease.KantatmanObscure god of medicine. Hindu (Epic andPuranic). The twentieth of the thirty-nine minoravataras of the god VIŠNU and possibly the sameas DHANVANTARI, as he is said to be a “carrier ofnectar.” By different genealogy he has beenequated with PRADYUMNA, the god of love.Kanti (desire)<strong>God</strong>dess. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). The SAKTI ofNARAYANA.Kapali (wearing skulls)<strong>God</strong>. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). One of the groupof eleven EKADASARUDRAS or forms of RUDRA.

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