Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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152 Kagu-Tsuchi-No-KamiKagu-Tsuchi-No-KamiFire god. Shinto [Japan]. One of a number offire KAMIS who are honored in special Hi-Matsurifestivals. He is worshiped in the mountain shrineof Kono-Jinja. The sacred fire can only be generatedby a board and stick and this is regarded as apowerful purifier in Shintoism. The most celebratedtemple of the fire kamis is situated onMount Atago near Kyoto to which worshipersare drawn from all over Japan to obtain charms asprotection against fire.KahilanTutelary god. Pre-Islamic Arabian. Known onlyfrom inscriptions.Kahukura<strong>God</strong> of agriculture and creator of the rainbow.Polynesian and Maori. The son of RONGOMAI,Kahukura is invoked for the well-being of cropsand in some regions the name appears to be synonymouswith that of RONGOMATANE, the god ofagriculture. Kahukura is particularly associatedwith a staple vegetable of the Maori, the kumara, aroot tuber that was introduced to New Zealand byman and is said to possess many magical properties.Kahukura is not to be confused with a legendarycharacter of the same name, a mortal hero who, inantiquity, learned the art of making fish nets.Kai Yum (singing lord)<strong>God</strong> of music. Mayan (Lacandon) (classicalMesoamerican) [Mexico]. He lives in the sky andis attendant on CACOCH, one of the aspects theMayan creator god. Depicted as a brazier shapedlike a pottery drum.KaikaraHarvest goddess. Bunyoro [Uganda, East Africa].Propitiated before harvesting with offerings ofmillet.KakakuRiver god. Shinto [Japan]. His name is ofteninscribed on the edge tiles of a house to protectagainst fire.Kakasya (crow faced)Minor goddess. Buddhist. No further informationavailable.KakkaMinor god. Mesopotamian (Babylonian-Akkadian). He was the attendant and ministerof state to both ANU and ANŠAR, and is knownparticularly from the text of Nergal and Ereškigal.Kakupacat (fiery glance)War god. Mayan (classical Mesoamerican] [Mexico].Said to bear a shield of fire with which heprotects himself in battle.Kala<strong>God</strong> of death. Hindu (Vedic and Puranic). An epithetof YAMA and occasionally of ŠIVA. Also thepersonification of time in the Atharvaveda.Kala-BhadraMinor goddess of death. Hindu (Puranic). Anauspicious attendant of funerals who is invoked inburial grounds in order to safeguard the passageof the dead to the otherworld. She is sometimesreferred to as Karala-Bhadra.Kalacakra (time wheel)Tutelary god. Buddhist (Mahayana) and Lamaist[Tibet]. One of a group of yi-dam tutelarydeities chosen on a basis of personal selection.Perceived as time in the form of a CAKRA

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