Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses

Dictionary Of God And Godedesses


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6 KKa TyeleoCreator god. Senufo [Ivory Coast, West Africa].Significantly in such an environment, accordingto tradition, he fashioned the fruit-bearing treeson the seventh day of creation.KabeiroiBlacksmith gods. Greek. According to traditionthe sons or grandsons of the blacksmith godHEPHAISTOS. The cult was centered particularlyon Lemnos, where there was an Etruscan traditionuntil circa 500 BC, and at Thebes. TheKabeiroi are thought to derive from pre-GreekAsian fertility deities in Anatolia [Turkey].Kabta<strong>God</strong> of artisans. Mesopotamian (Sumerian). Increation mythology he is given charge over brickmoldsand pickaxes.KabrakanEarthquake god. Mayan (classical Mesoamerican)[Mexico]. The so-called “destroyer of mountains”usually coupled with the god ZIPAKNA who buildsmountains.Ka’cakSea spirit. Siberian Inuit [eastern Siberia]. Afierce old woman who lives in the ocean depthsand owns all the creatures of the sea. She issaid to feed off the bodies of drowned fishermenand is the subject of sacrifice.See also ARNAKUA’GSAK.Kacchapesvara (lord of the tortoise)<strong>God</strong>. Hindu (Puranic). An epithet of ŠIVA. Incertain artworks, particularly those inscribedon linga stones, VIŠNU, in his aspect ofKURMA(VATARA), the tortoise, is depicted worshipingŠiva. These illustrations were designedby Saivites as part of a propaganda exercise todemonstrate the superiority of Šiva over Višnu.KadešFertility goddess. Canaanite. Depicted naked carryinga snake and usually standing upon a lion.Taken over by the Egyptians (see QUADEŠ).Kadru (russet)<strong>God</strong>dess. Hindu (Epic and Puranic). One of thedaughters of DAKSA, consort of KASYAPA andmother of the nagas (snake demons).151

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